Out of Sight Pt 2

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(Andy's POV)

Once I got to my car she was asleep and so I put her back into her car seat and strapped that into my backseat, then I drove to Buckland and went up to Prue's office. I set the car seat just inside the door so she could sleep without being moved a lot. Prue was on the phone and said "No, but I'm leaving now to pick it. Um, look, did Phoebe get anything out of Brent Miller that might help us?" I said "Who's Brent Miller?" she said "I gotta go." she hung up the phone and said "Andy, hi, what are you doing here? Where is our daughter?" I said, "She is sleeping." I pointed to her car seat as I moved toward her desk and said "Working on the kidnappings. Thought we should talk." Prue said, "Well, I already told the police everything I know about that." I said "Not according to Eric Lohman, you didn't. He stopped by the station. We had an interesting chat."

Prue said "Yeah, well, he's a reporter trying to make a name for himself. Can't believe anything he says." I said "Normally I don't. This time I do. We've been down this road too many times, Prue. I know you're hiding something. I have my suspicions about what it is. But I've had to accept the fact that you can't tell me or you don't wanna tell me. Either way, it's not just me anymore. Lohman's on you, at least he thinks he is and he's not gonna let go. Prue, if you don't level with me, I can't help you control this. I cant help you protect Penny." she said "Andy, I'm just never sure if it's better for you to know or not to know." I said "I remember the time when we could tell each other anything. There's nothing Lohman won't do to get this story. Watch your back." I got down to kiss Penny's head then I left.

(Prue's POV)

I sighed and grabbed the car seat and gathered what I needed and headed home. I met Piper on the porch as said "Did you get it?" I said "Yep, I got it." she said, "What's wrong?" I said "Andy stopped by my office after Lohman stopped by his. I think he told Andy about my powers." she said "Uh oh. What did you do?" I said "Same as I always do, I danced around the truth. It just doesn't feel right anymore. Especially with Penny, she is a witch too and he deserves to know who his daughter is... doesn't he?" Piper froze the street and said "Oh my God!" I put the car seat down and we ran to the road where a stroller was headed for a truck, I said "Where is the mother?" We moved the blanket and it was empty.

Piper said, "Oh, thank God." I said "Wait for a second, since when did the Johnson's get a baby? That damn reporter. Look." Piper said, "Okay, uh, confused." I said "All right, that's Lohman. This is a setup. We need to get back to where we were before everything unfreezes. Go!" we ran back up to the house and she fixed her purse while I grabbed the car seat I said "Okay, don't forget to put your hands up. Don't look, just go inside." we went inside and I took  Penny out of her car seat and laid her in the bassinet while she napped. 

We were in the kitchen working on the potion, Piper said "Is he still out there?" I said "Unfortunately." Phoebe ran in and said "Hey, you guys, I think I found the entrance to the storm drain. What's going on?" I said "Didn't you see that guy parked out front in his car?" she didn't seem concerned "Yes." I said "Yeah, well, that's the reporter I told you about. He's staking us out." she was shocked "What?" Piper said, "He tricked us into using our powers and nearly caught us." I said "But fortunately we figured out what he was doing before he could get any proof." she said, "Oh, thank God."

Piper said "The only problem is how are we gonna be out looking for David when he's camped outside. We have less than two hours." the bell rang so I went to answer it Eric said "Hey, how's it going? Mind if I use your bathroom?" I went to close the door and he said "Hey, don't bother using your magical powers on me. I already hid the videotape." I said "What videotape?" Eric said "Yeah, you know, best I could guess is somehow one of you stopped time. Or rewound it. I don't know. What I do know is I got the whole thing on tape." I said "You're bluffing." he said "Am I? How do explain your sister's purse magically jumping from her right shoulder to her left shoulder instantaneously? You screwed up. And I got the proof. Okay, now here's the deal. I already got my story ready to print. But all I want now from you is a tell-all exclusive. I'll write the book, we can share in movie rights, foreign sales, distribution..." I pushed him out and closed the door. He said "Okay, I'll just wait outside until you're ready to talk. I'll even leave your baby out of it."

Phoebe said, "What are we gonna do?" I said "Alright, look, I will stay here and finish the potions, you guys go try and find the boys. To buy us some time, keep on freezing those Grimlocks, okay, until I get there." Piper said, "What about Lohman?" Phoebe said, "And Penny?" I said "Don't worry about him, I'll stop him from following you. As for Penny well... we don't have anyone to watch her so take her with you, and keep her attached to your chest Phoebe." I helped her strap the baby wrap to her and then laid her inside it. "Protect her." Piper said, "We will." I went outside and said "Lohman. I've been thinking about what you said. Maybe we can work something out. But my daughter stays out of your story." he said "Yeah? Why don't I believe you?" I said, "Oh, I don't know, maybe it's your reporter instincts." I heard the car drive off and said "Oops, busted." he said "Nice try." he ran toward his car but I looked at a garden tool and it shoved itself into his tire. He said "Whoa! You did that, didn't you? I know you did that." I smirked "Really? Prove it."

I was in the kitchen finishing the potion I said "I feel like I should be cackling." the phone rang so I answered. "Hello." Phoebe said "Prue. Uh, Piper's hurt, and I can't get to her." I said "Uh, okay, where are you?" she said "At the end of Varick Street. Hurry, okay, and don't forget the potion." I said "I'm on my way. How is Penny?" she said "The baby is fine, still asleep." we hung up and I grabbed the potion and headed for my car. Eric said, "Didn't want you to leave me behind as your sisters did." I said "Fix it now." he said "Or what? You're gonna hurt me? Go ahead, just let me get you in focus." I said "Look, I don't have time for this, all right. Piper is hurt and two boys' lives are at stake." he said, "Do you know where they are?" I sighed "Yes. All right, you win." he said "What's my prize?" I said "I'm a witch with magical powers." he said "A witch? Witch? Great, great. Terrific. Let's go." 

Once we pulled up Phoebe said "What is he doing here?" he said "Making my career." I said "I didn't have a choice. Where's Piper?" we quickly switched the baby wrap to me so I had Penny attached to me and Phoebe said "She's in through this way. Come on." I said "You just stay here, all right, it's too dangerous." he said "No, no, no. I'm coming with ya." I said "No! Look, there are too many lives at stake here including my sisters. I will not have you risking them. Stay where you are, you'll get your story." he said, "And yet the baby is going." I said "The baby has magical powers, you don't." he conceded "Okay, I'll just wait out here." I followed Phoebe as she led me to Piper.

Penelope Jade HalliwellWhere stories live. Discover now