Morality Bites Pt 1

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Penny was sitting in a high chair eating cheerios when Piper walked in Phoebe said "Whoa. What did you buy?" Piper said "Doodie." I said "We weren't out of that." she said "No, I stepped in it, again. That man has turned our front walk into a puppy minefield." Phoebe said, "I can not believe that guy still lets his dog do his business right in front of our house." I said, "Yeah, well, we've left notes." Piper said, "And gotten nowhere." Phoebe said "Yeah, well, I've had it. The next time I catch him in the act, I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind." a dog barked and Piper said, "That couldn't be." Phoebe said "Oh, I hope it is." we ran to the living room window and Piper said "That's them. That's the guy and his dog. I can't believe it." I said "That is so rude. He's just gonna walk away." Phoebe said "Then don't let him. Use your magic. Well, if you can't teach the dog new tricks, how about the owner. Just think the money we'd save on carpet cleaning alone."

I said "Phoebe, we can't use our magic just to teach him or anybody else a lesson." she said "Why not? It's for the greater good, I mean, I mean, that's our job, right? Think of it as community service. We'd be doing our whole block a favor. Come on. Okay, Piper." She opened the window and Piper said "I hope he's not out of my range." she froze him and Phoebe said "Prue... Nice shot. An eye for an eye, a shoe for a shoe." he looked around and we said "Ooh!" and ducked I said, "Did he see you?" Phoebe said "So what if he did? What's he gonna do? Cry, witch? Well, we've done our good deed for the day. I think I deserve fifteen minutes of channel surfing." Piper said, "Who wants coffee?" I said, "I'll grind." We went to the kitchen to make coffee and check on Penny. Phoebe made a weird noise so I grabbed Penny and we went to check on her, I said "Phoebe, are you okay?" Piper said "Take a deep breath, honey, it's all right." she was starting to hyperventilate she said "No, it's not. I saw my future. I was being executed. Burned alive."

Piper took Penny and said, "Why would a report about a baseball player trigger a premonition like that?" Phoebe said "I don't know. All I know is I could feel it, I could feel the fire." Piper said "And we were just standing there? That can't be right." Phoebe said, "That's what I saw." I said, "There's no way that we would let that happen, not in the past, present, or future." Phoebe said "What did I do? Or what is it that I'm going to do?" the doorbell rang Piper said "That's Leo. I'll get that." she walked away to answer the door. Once she closed the door we headed upstairs I said "Hey Piper?" she said, "Yes Prue?" I said, "When you answered the door you had my daughter... where is she?" Piper said, "Oh I gave her to Leo to babysit." I said, "Oh, uh ok, So, what did he want?" 

Piper said "He canceled our date. He's working again. But he offered to take her." Phoebe said, "You didn't ask him what we should do?" Piper said "He had to fly... literally. The pages were doing that flipping thing on their own again." we walked into the attic and to the book, I read the page and said, "It's a spell to take us to the future." Piper said "Two actually. One to send us, one to bring us home. But apparently, we only get one shot. Once we use it they disappear." Phoebe said "Wait a minute, you guys. We almost died going back to the past. This is not something that you just do." I said "We're talking about your life, Phoebe." she said "And I'm talking about yours, Prue. I'm just saying I think we should think this over a little bit."

I said "Look, you had that premonition today for a reason. It must mean that we're supposed to do something about it. And going to the future might be the only way to find out what you did to put you on that pyre." she said "How do you know it's something that I did? I mean, it might be a demon or a warlock that puts me there." I said "Do you want to wait to find out? Okay, pack your bags. We go, try to figure out what happened, and hopefully come back with enough information to stop it. We're gonna need a date, Phoebe." she said "February 12, 2009. That's two weeks before the date I saw in my premonition." I said, "Alright, that should give us more than enough time to figure out what put you there." Piper said, "I wonder how I look?" Phoebe said, "Piper, you look great but this is hardly the time..." 

Piper said "Not now. In the future. When we went back to the seventies we saw ourselves as kids and now we'll be seeing ourselves walking around ten years older. All that vanquishing. Think of the wear and tear." I said "Oh god, Penny will be 10. Okay. Hear these words, hear the rhyme." Piper said, "We send to you this burning sign." Phoebe said, "Then our future selves will find." I said, "In another place and time."

I woke up at Bucklands and heard "Mom. Mom. Mom! Mommy!" I jolted up and saw a little girl with long brown hair with pink highlights and Blue eyes that I would know anywhere I said "Penny, whats wrong?" she said "Firstly stop calling me Penny, remember I go by El now. Secondly, I'm gonna be late for school, and Melinda won't be happy if I'm late." I said "Right, El... You arent going today, we got things to do. Let's go." I stood up and grabbed my purse and El's hand we went to the front doors and El climbed into a Limo, we were followed by my assistants.

Penelope Jade HalliwellWhere stories live. Discover now