Morality Bites Pt 4

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Once at the house El sat at the coffee table and started her homework, Piper said "You wanna tell me again exactly how screwed we are?" i said "Pretty screwed." Piper said "Thanks. I wonder what's taking Leo so long?" I said "Some of these pages are marked. The top corners are turned down and all of them are new spells." Piper said "Such as?" I said "Like, here's a spell to create a door, one to induce slumber, a glamour to change ones appearance. Some of them have these little baggies attached." Piper said "They must be potions of some kind." I said "But what about these? Okay, one to create money, to bend someone's will, to erase a memory, a binding spell." Piper got curious "Binding? What are all these marked for?" I found a map so i said "This must have been our future selves' plan. Here's a prison map. We were gonna use all of this to break Phoebe out. But something is bothering me. Clearly some of these spells are for personal gain."

Piper said "Which would break the most basic of wiccan rules. We wouldn't do that." I said "We wouldn't. But maybe in ten years our future selves would for Phoebe. El were we gonna break aunt Phoebe out?" she looked up at us and said "You didn't want to, but aunt Piper insisted" I said "Why didn't i want to?" she said "Because you told aunt Phoebe that anyone who threatens me deserves to die even family." Leo walked in and Piper said "Perfect timing. We found the book but we can't... Where's Phoebe?" I said "Where is she?" he said "She's in prison where she belongs. El pack up." she started to pack her school stuff into her bag and then put it on while i said "Leo, you were supposed to bring her back here." he grabbed her hand and said "No, I said I'd go to her. And I did. To explain to her why she has to pay for her crime." 

Piper said "You're our guide, you're supposed to protect us and you're just gonna let her die." I said "You're signing her death warrant." he said "I'm to protect the greater good. If Phoebe lives, if you use your magic to save her, then the persecutions will continue. Our daughter and your daughter will grow into a world where their powers are punishable by death. Do either of you want that?" Piper and i said "Of course not." he said "Well, then it has to end with Phoebe. She has to die." I said "Like hell." Piper froze him and said "Relax. We've seen what your new powers can do when you're angry." i said "He's gonna stay frozen right?" she said "If he knows what's good for him, he'll stay frozen." I said "Alright, let's get these spells." we grabbed the spells and the pouches, then grabbed El and got in the car and drove to Leo's house. I said "El hun, go play with your cousin." she nodded and said "I love you mommy." and ran to the house, up the steps, and inside. 

I said "Piper, if you're gonna do this, you'd better hurry. Leo can unfreeze and be home any second. Besides, Phoebe has less than an hour." she got out and went up to the house, she eventually got back in the car and said "What is it? What's wrong?" I said "I have no one to say goodbye to. Who would take El if something happened to me? I have no life. They didn't even know who you were at the office, my own sister. If we die tonight, my tombstone will read "Here lies Prue, a mother who worked hard". Piper said "We're not gonna die. We're gonna find a way back to the present and we'll create a new future." I said "What if we can't. What if we can never get home. According to Phoebe's premonition we fail." Piper said "Our future selves fail. We still got a shot." i sighed "You're right, you're right. Let's go get Phoebe."

We got to the prison and managed to get in, but Phoebe's cell was empty so we went to the pyre room and i said "Piper, freeze them." Phoebe said "Prue, Piper." Piper said "We're getting you outta here." I untied her while she said "No, wait. You can't. Prue, I'm serious." I said "What are you talking about?" Phoebe said "You guys have to leave. I deserve to be here. Or my future self does." Piper said "You killed a killer. Don't be ridiculous." I tried to convince her "Look, this is Pratt's personal crusade. This isn't about us, this is about him. Where ever we go, he will follow us. He will hunt us. He will hunt our families. If anybody should be punished, it should be him." i was gonna use my power when Phoebe said "Prue, what are you doing?" I said "Saving the future good witches and our future." Phoebe said "Prue, wait! Don't become a murderer too. It has to end with me." Piper said "Phoebe, he was evil, he deserved what you..."

Phoebe started to cry "The wrong thing done for the right reason is still the wrong thing. Our job is to protect the innocent, not punish the guilty. And I crossed that line, I know that. And now you guys have to know that too." we all started to cry i said "We are not leaving here without you." she said "Prue, we were sent here for a reason. Maybe not to stop this like we thought. But maybe to understand why this has to happen. Why you have to let this happen. I don't want to die. But I don't want you to die because of me. I love you." we hugged before she got back on the pole and everyone unfroze. They turned the flames on and she burned. 

We appeared back at the manor making Piper say "Prue..." I said "What are we doing here?" Piper said "Phoebe? You don't think she was... we saw..." I said "I know. Oh, please God, don't let it be true. Phoebe!" she walked in the room and we hugged her "We thought that we lost you." she said "You did. I was burned. And I could, I could feel the flames on my skin. And then I was here. I don't know what happened." I said "It's okay, you're safe now, you're home." Piper said "Yeah, home, but when?" she turned on the tv. Phoebe said "Wait, that's the baseball player. That's what triggered my premonition. We're right back where we started. The day we cast the spell." Piper said "Why?" I said "Maybe because it worked. We were sent into the future to find out what Phoebe did. We came back to stop it from happening." Piper said "But we didn't cast a spell to come back. We didn't even have one."

Phoebe said "Maybe they sent us back." Piper said "But who? And why today? If we were sent back to keep the future from happening, shouldn't we be sent back to the day Phoebe killed Cal Greene instead?" we heard a dog bark and went to the window, i said "Not again." Piper said "This guy still hasn't learnt his lesson." Phoebe said "Apparently neither have we. I think this is why we were sent back here to this moment in time. This is where it all started. The first time we used our magic for revenge." Piper said "But it's just a little thing, it's harmless." Phoebe said "Yeah, but once you break the small rules, it's just a matter of time before the big ones are next." I said "A very smart girl once told me that we were supposed to protect the innocent, not punish the guilty." Phoebe said "I haven't told you yet." Piper said "Maybe you won't have to." 

I said "Pratt." he walked away and Piper said "Do you think we should follow?" Phoebe said "No. Our little act of revenge might have been what sent Pratt on his path to seek his own." I said "Which might had led him to start the future witch trials." Phoebe said "Hopefully now he won't." Piper said "I still think we should keep an eye on him just in case." I shut the window "Absolutely." i grabbed the phone to call out of work and Phoebe said "Hey, what's up?" I said "Not work. There is no way I am going to the office tonight. I'm going out with you guys. We all have a lot of changes to make if we want to avoid ending up where we just came from. Piper said "I had a future that wasn't all bad. You were like Miss Fortune 500 and I had a beautiful little girl."

Phoebe was confused "What?" Piper waved her off "Details later." I said "You know, we can still make the good things happen, Piper. We just have to make the right choices." Piper said "So maybe Leo and I will end up together." Phoebe said "Wait, you and Leo?" The doorbell rang and Piper said "Ill get it." I said "Im coming too, he has my baby." i followed her and the second she opened the door i stole my child and went back to the living room and hugged her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2021 ⏰

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