Deja Vu All Over Again Pt 1

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It has been 3 months since Andy found out our secret... his daughter's secret. He is still adjusting, but he is trying, for me, for his daughter, and honestly, that is all I could ever ask of him. My father was never around and so i am glad he is determined to learn, so he could be in hers. I woke up, showered and got dressed for the day, then i got her from her crib since she was sitting up and looking around. I changed her diaper and put her in a cute pink overall dress with a black long sleeve shirt and black tights underneath. I paired them with her pink dress shoes. 

I took her downstairs and stuck her in her highchair, she was starting to try solid foods, so i gave her some baby food and said "Morning." Phoebe who was on the phone said "Morning. Yes, all right, I'll be there in an hour." i said "You'll be where in an hour?" Phoebe said "Ah, Quake. Piper's doing that thing for the Food Network and she needs me to bring her another dress because she spilt marinara sauce over the one she's wearing." i said "Just stay out of my closet." Phoebe said "Oh, don't worry, I don't think she'd want to ruin another one of yours." I read the front page of the newspaper which stated that IA was investigating Andy i said "I don't believe this."

Phoebe said "I'm kidding. Don't have an aneurysm." i said "No, I'm talking about the paper. Did you see the front page?" we heard a horn and a crash so i said "Where did you park my car last night?" she said "In the driveway... I think." we ran to the window and saw my car was fine i said "Mrs. Henderson's car." she said "Oh, thank God. I mean, that your car's in the driveway and I'm not in the dog house. Is she okay?" i said "Yeah, just a little fender bender, no big deal. Phoebe, Andy's in trouble." she said "What? Why?" i handed her the paper and Penny decided that was the time to cry so i went to grab her from the high chair as she said "They think that he killed that Internal Affairs cop? No way." i said "Maybe it's a setup, trying to force him to reveal our secret." she said "Let me see that." 

She had a premonition and i said "What is it?" she said "I saw Andy, Prue. He was dead." i said "Wait, you said that you didn't see a demon or a warlock in your premonition, right?" she said "No, but the way he was hurled across the room, there had to have been one." i said "This room here?" she said "Right here, yeah." i looked down at my child, she has her daddy's eyes and said "Okay, and you're positive that it was Andy." she said "Prue." I said "I just want to be sure, all right, this isn't just anybody that we're talking about, you know." she said "I know, and I care about him too." i said "I know you do. I'm sorry. Um, right, why don't you fill in Piper and I'm gonna go warn Andy." 

She said "How? He said it was too risky for you to be seen with him." i said "Yeah, well, I don't care. Let Internal Affairs find out that we're witches. Andy's life is a lot more important. Besides he needs something to help him get through this and what better idea then him seeing his daughter." she said "Okay, just please be careful. You don't know what kind of demon we're up against." I met up with Andy at a park and he immediately took Penny into his arms and kissed her little face, i told him about the vision and he said "Has Phoebe ever been wrong about her premonitions before?" I said "No. But the good news is every other time we've been able to affect the outcome. Stop the demon or warlock before..." He hugged his daughter close as he said "Before I get killed. Can I get that in writing?"

I said "Andy, you just have to be extra careful until we figure out who this demon is and why he's after you, okay? Andy." He said "I was just thinking... what if the demon is Rodriguez?" I said "Why would you say that?" He said "He pulled me in the station house this morning. I thought he was gonna arrest me. What he really wanted was a meeting with you." I was confused "Meet with me? Why?" He said "Because he thinks his partner was killed by a supernatural being and somehow, I don't know how, Prue, he knows you're a witch." I said "How would he know that unless..." He said "Unless he was the demon." I said "Alright, uh, tell Rodriguez to meet me at the manor at 6:00." He said "It's too dangerous, Prue." I said "I don't have a choice. If I don't meet with him, he'll frame you and try to expose me."

He said "But if he is a demon and it turns out to be a trap?" i said "And I'll have Piper and Phoebe there to back me up, the power of three." he said "Plus one. Me." I shook my head "No. You can't be there, Andy. That's where you were in Phoebe's premonition when ... just promise me you'll stay away." he said "I can't do that, Prue." i said "I mean it. Don't make me use my magic on you. I don't want anything to happen to you, Andy. You know how much I still care for you. If not for me then for that beautiful baby girl in your arms, do you want her to grow up without her daddy?" he sighed hugging her close "Okay, I promise. What about Penny?" I said "She will be fine, her powers will activate if a loud noise occurs and she will be hidden in the sunroom." he sighed and hugged me before handing her over and i took her home and laid her down for a nap. 

Right before six i fed and changed Penny before rocking her to sleep and then hiding her in the sunroom. We all went to the foyer and i said "All right, let's go over the plan again." Phoebe said "Yeah, let's, because I wanna know why I'm the one answering the door." i said "Cause you're the one who knows martial arts, all right, that way if Rodriguez shows up and tries something right off the bat, you can knock him down." Piper said "And then I can come in from the living room and freeze him." i said "And then I can come down the stairs and send him flying." Phoebe grumbled "I still feel like cannon fodder." the doorbell rang and i said "What time is it?" Piper said "Just before six." he rang the bell a few more times Piper said "That's a little too anxious, that's not a good sign." 

Phoebe said "Which means if he doesn't want to kill Prue, he wants to date her." i sighed "Come on, let's get this day over with." I went upstairs and Piper went into the livingroom Phoebe said "Prue! Piper! Company!" I heard a thump and someone rolling down the stairs Piper yelled "Phoebe!" i ran down the stairs, Piper froze him and his lightning ball, laying at the bottom of the stairs was Phoebe i yelled "Phoebe!" i threw his own power back at him making him explode and crouched down by my baby sister as Piper said "Oh my God." I checked her pulse and couldn't fine one, i also couldn't hear her heart when i laid my head on her chest. I said "Oh, God." Piper said "Prue, is she okay?" I looked up at her "She's dead." she said "What? Phoebe. Phoebe!"

Penelope Jade HalliwellWhere stories live. Discover now