Deja Vu All Over Again Pt 2

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I woke up, showered, and got dressed for the day, then I got her from her crib since she was sitting up and looking around. I changed her diaper and put her in a cute pink overall dress with a black long sleeve shirt and black tights underneath. I paired them with her pink dress shoes. I took her downstairs and stuck her in her highchair, she was starting to try solid foods, so i gave her some baby food and said "Morning." Phoebe said "Morning. Wait a minute. Whoa. I am freaking out. Okay. I'll be there in an hour." She hung up the phone and i said "Be where in an hour?" she looked at me then said "Okay. Pinch me." i was confused "What?" she said "No. I mean it. Pinch me. I want to make sure I'm awake because if I am, I am having one killer déjà vu." 

I said "So it's just a déjà vu. Everybody gets them." she said "Not like this they don't. Look, Prue... something weird is going on here." i saw the front page that said IA was investigating Andy for murder. I said "I don't believe this." she said "No. I' me. This has happened before. Everything." i said "I'm talking about the paper. Did you see the front page?" she said "See. Like that. Right there. You said that before. I know it." We heard a car crash and she said "And that has happened before too." I said "Where did you park my car last night?" she said "In the driveway and I told you that already the last time you asked me." 

I walked to the living room and looked out the window, my car was safe i said "Mrs. Henderson's car. Just a little fender-bender, no big deal." she walked in carrying Penny and said "Prue, I am not nuts. Okay, maybe just a little but that's irrelevant here." i said "Phoebe, Andy's in trouble." she said "What?" I showed her the paper and she said "Let me see that." she took the paper from me and closed her eyes. A few moments later she said "Now, that was the premonition which I've had before." I said "Of what?" she said "Of Andy, here, being killed by a demon."

I met Andy at the park and the instant we were in his reach, the baby was out of my arms and into his and he kissed her cute little face. I was telling him about the vision and he suspects IA to be the demon so i told him to tell him ill meet with him. Andy said "What if he is a demon and it turns out to be a trap?" i said "I'll have Piper and Phoebe there to back me up. The power of three." he said "Plus one. Me... What is it?" i said "This seems a little familiar to me that's all, kinda like deja vu. Never mind. Um, Andy, you can't be at the meeting and Phoebe's premonition, that's where you were when... Just promise me that you'll stay away." he said "Prue, I can't do that." i said "I mean it. Don't make me use my magic on you. Andy, I don't want anything bad to happen to you. You know how much I still love you. If not for me, then for that baby girl in your arms, don't make her grow up without her daddy." he said "No, I didn't. But fine, i wont be there." he hugged us both before giving her back and i took her home.

Phoebe had Penny on her hip as we all looked in the book, Piper said "Is there anything in there about time loops?" Phoebe said "There's a spell to accelerate time but that's about it. I'm telling you, this is all part of his evil plan. I just haven't had enough time to figure it out yet." The doorbell rang and i said "What time is it?" Phoebe handed me the baby as Piper said "Just before six." Phoebe said "I'll get it. All right already." the door flew open and Lightning hit Phoebe making her hit the wall, Piper exclaimed "Phoebe!" Piper is then hit with it and crashed through the glass door one came toward me and Penny but i quickly made it hit him instead making him explode I said "Oh my God, no. Piper." I sat there crying, holding my daughter to my chest, both my sisters dead on the floor.

I woke up, showered, and got dressed for the day, then I got her from her crib since she was sitting up and looking around. I changed her diaper and put her in a cute pink overall dress with a black long sleeve shirt and black tights underneath. I paired them with her pink dress shoes. I took her downstairs and as i walked into the kitchen and said "Morning." Phoebe said "Freeze. No, not you, Piper. Kit knocks over pepper. Meows. Hold that thought. Okay, Piper, you need to get home as soon as you can, okay, we've got major demon hunting to do. Oh, and if you run into someone named Joanne from high school, just tell her to go stick it. I will explain later, just hurry." I was so confused "Okay, what's going on?" Phoebe said "Quick, follow me." I followed her to the window while Penny was chewing on my shirt. 

Phoebe said "5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Car honks... skids... crashes... Mrs. Henderson's car. A little fender bender. Good thing I parked your car in the driveway last night, huh?" I said "How did you know that?" she said "Because this has all happened once before, Prue, maybe even more than once. The day keeps repeating itself. I know it and every time it happens I think I figure it out just a little faster. It must be my power of premonition. Premonition... I'm supposed to be having a premonition right about now." i said "Supposed to? What do you mean?" she said "Give me her real quick and Look at the front page." i handed her off and looked at the front page of the Paper i said "Andy." she said "Is in trouble. More than you know, Prue. If I touch that paper, I will have a premonition . The same one that I've had before. Where Andy gets killed here by a demon. You have got to believe me."

I said "No, I believe you. The question is what do we do about it?" she said "Well, you've got to go warn Andy. Keep him away from our house at all costs. Meanwhile, I've got to dig through the Book Of Shadows, find a way to vanquish this time demon before he can kill Andy." She handed Penny back to me and we went separate ways. I met Andy in the park and explained everything he said "A time loop? You mean demons can actually do that sort of thing?" i said "None that I've ever seen before but if it is a demon, it's the most powerful one we've ever come up against." he said "He's going through all this just to kill me. No way, Prue. If he's as powerful as you say, then he's gotta be after you."

I said "Andy, please just let us handle this. Whatever you do you have to promise me that you'll stay away from the manor." he said "I can't promise you that, Prue. If you're right and Rodriguez is the demon then it's a trap." i said "Yeah, then I'll have Piper and Phoebe there to back me up, all right, the power of three." he said "What if that's what he wants, all three of you together? What if that's the reason he set the time loop?" i said "We'll just have to take our chances." he said "You could get killed, Prue." i said "I mean it. This is not your fight. Don't make me use my magic on you. Andy, I would die if anything happened to you. I love you." he said "I love you too, Prue. I love you both so much." he kissed her head before hugging us both Penny said "Dadadadada." we smiled at her and he said, "Just watch, her first word will be dada." I giggled making her giggle.

Penelope Jade HalliwellWhere stories live. Discover now