Deja Vu All Over Again Pt 3

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(Phoebe's POV)

We were at the house, looking in the book, Penny was in her swing I said "The devil's sorcerer, Tempus. He can manipulate time anyway he chooses." Piper said, "Does it say how to vanquish him?" I said "Uh, take him out of the time that he's in. Whatever that means." the demon kicked open the door and threw lightning at Prue, but Piper pushed her out of the way, and they hit the floor. Andy rushed in and screamed "No!!" Penny was screaming and crying, Andy shot the gun and then got hit with lightning I said "Andy!" he hit the glass cabinet Piper quickly froze the demon and grabbed Penny as she said, "Are you okay?" I said "Yeah, are Prue and Penny okay?" she said "Yeah, she's out cold, and Penny is just scared." we rushed to Andy, and once Penny saw him she reached for him." I took the baby while Piper checked his pulse she said "Oh my God. He's dead."

We tied the demon to a chair and unfroze him, I said "The only reason you're still alive is that I haven't figured out how to kill you yet." I was still rocking Penny but she is no longer crying, instead, she is falling asleep. He said "Go ahead. Kill me, witch. I don't care." Piper took her from me and said "Phoebe, what are you doing?" I said, "I'm trying to save Andy." Piper said, "Andy, Andy's dead, you can't save him, Phoebe." I questioned her "No? We're in a time loop, aren't we? All we have to do is start this day over and Andy lives. And I'm willing to bet that his death somehow triggers the time loop?" he said "I'm impressed. I was told you wouldn't know that." I said "Really? By who? Tempus? Yeah, we know about him too. And we also know you're not him otherwise you would've restarted the day by now. So, where do we find him?" He said "In your nightmares. Kill me. I dare you."

Piper finally got Penny asleep, and then pulled me away from him and said "Why is he so willing to let us kill him?" I said "Who cares. If he dies, Andy lives. End of story." she said "What if that's exactly his plan? To reset the day and he can kill us all next." He said "It doesn't matter. The day's gonna reset itself anyway, there's not a damn thing to do about it." she said "Shut up. Come on, we have to wake Prue." We kneeled next to Prue and I said "Prue. Prue. Come on, we need your help. Prue, come on, honey. Prue. Prue." Piper said "Prue, come on, wake up, sweetie. Penny needs you Prue." she woke up and we helped her off the floor as I said "Easy, easy." she said, "Where are Penny and Andy?" Piper handed a sleeping Penny over as I said "Prue, something terrible has happened."

She saw him and said "Oh my God." Piper said "It all happened so fast, Prue. He ran in the door when Rodriguez attacked. He was trying to save us." she said "And he'll succeed. Where's the Book of Shadows?" I said "It's right here. Why?" I grabbed the book and she said "Where's the spell that you saw to accelerate time?" he said, "What are you doing?" I flipped to it and said "There." he said "What's going on?" and started to struggle, Piper said "But we don't want to accelerate time, we want to reverse it." she said "No, we don't, trust me. The only chance that we have to get rid of Tempus is to do this by breaking the time loop, okay." I said "But if we break the time loop we won't be able to save Andy." she said, "I know."

Piper said "Prue, are you sure?" she said "No, I'm not. But Penny needs a parent alive, and next time we might all die. Winds of time gather 'round, Give me wings to speed my way..." he said, "Wait a minute..." Prue continued "Rush me on my journey forward, let tomorrow be today." he said, "What's happening?" Piper said "Prue..." she said, "You know what, just untie him get him outta here." I said "What?" Piper said "He'll kill us." she said "No, he won't. He doesn't have the power to kill us, otherwise, he wouldn't have needed Tempus." I said "I will not untie him, Prue." she simply used her power to do it and said "Get outta here before I change my mind." he said "You stupid witch." he walked to the door but stopped and threw lightning at us, she simply reflected it to him making him explode. She said, "We may not be murderers but we're no angels either." She walked over to Andy and kneeled next to him, holding her baby in one hand and his hand in her other which she rested on her daughter's stomach and cried.

The funeral was sad she laid a rose on his coffin and even gave one to Penny to do the same, she talked quietly to Penny holding her close the entire time. I feel for her, she is gonna grow up with no memory of her father, and he was a loving father to her. 

(Prue's POV)

The next morning after the funeral I was sitting outside on the steps, holding Penny on my lap, it was early and she hadn't quite woken up but I didn't want to leave her in the room. My sisters came out and Piper said "Prue, are you all right?" I said "Actually, I am. Andy's been exonerated, they are now looking for Rodriguez." Piper said "Good luck." Phoebe said, "Hey, are you sure you're all right?" I said "Yeah. I was just thinking all that we've been through since we became witches." Phoebe said, "Give you a headache?" I said "No actually, it gave me a good feeling. I mean, look, it's a hassle and can sometimes screw up our personal lives." Piper said "Amen to that." I said "And we do good things together. Helps offset the bad things." 

Phoebe said, "I'm gonna miss Andy." Piper said "It's gonna be very sad without him. What about Penny?" I said "Well, she will grow up and though she won't have memories of him, we will always tell her how much he loved her. But something tells me that he'll always be with us. We better get ready for work." Piper said, "I'll tell her later." I said, "Tell me what?" Piper said "Nothing. It's not important. Phoebe said "Nothing. Nothing." we walked inside and she took Penny from me laying her in her bassinet with the bear Andy gave her when she was born.

Penelope Jade HalliwellWhere stories live. Discover now