That 70's Part 1

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(Phoebe's POV)
I was sitting at a table in the sunroom. I was holding Penelope on my lap as Prue and I went through old pictures. I said "There aren't any pictures of me growing up." Pure said "That seems impossible. Just like little Penny you weren't exactly camera shy."

I said "Yeah, well neither were you and Piper, or you and Grams, or you and Dad. Oh look, there's another one of you and Piper." She laughed and said "Okay, here's a picture of you and Grams." I said "Oh, wasn't I cute." Prue said "yeah not as cute as her... ok here's one of you and Mom."

I said "Wow, I don't even remember that. What was I, about two? She died on us a year later. And no one can be as cute as this little bean" she said "Phoebe." Then Piper came running in she said "Okay, all right, I need a pen and paper. Quick, we don't have a lot of time."

Piper couldn't open the drawer so I handed Prue her daughter and hit the drawer for it to open. Piper said "I always wondered how you got into my candy drawer." I sat down and said "Yeah, too bad all the candy's gone."

Piper said "I thought it would be easier for us to just write him a note." Pure said "Who him?" Piper said "You know, what's his name. Grandma's little friend comes every year, same day, same time. Says you know, the flowers are from a secret admirer when it's obvious he's the admirer."

The door bell rang so we all went to the door Piper opened it and said "Hi, come on in. How are you?" The man said "Flowers for Miss Penny Halliwell." He went to hand Piper the flowers and dropped them. Piper said "Every year. What a klutz. At least this year I can freeze him so I can spare myself the clean up."

Penny yanked on Prue's necklace causing Prue to tap her hand and say "no no little bean" Piper grabbed the flowers and the man unfroze. He listened for a second then said " Five chimes." Piper said "Excuse me?"

He said "The clock. I only heard five chimes. It's noon. That means you froze me. Which means you have your powers at last." Piper said "Uh, I don't know what you're talking about Mister but thanks for the flowers, okay, bye." Pure backed up holding her daughter closer to her chest.

The man said "Call me Nicholas. Your mother did." He put on a red ring and became younger causing me to move slightly in front of my niece. He said "I had to appear to age over the years otherwise you would've been suspicious." Pure said "What?"

Nicholas said "You see, twenty-four years ago today, your mother and I made a pact. To spare her life, she gave up your future powers to me. She blessed this ring. Which gave me immunity from your powers. Immunity so that I could kill you and take the powers on for my own. To become invincible."

Prue said "Our mother would never give away our powers." Nicholas said "She didn't have much of a choice. Your blood is boiling. Soon your lungs will sear. Your organs will over heat and death will come." I felt like I couldn't breathe.

I moved over to the wall closest to him and kicked him in the leg and he fell over. We ran upstairs to the attic, Prue strapped the baby carrier to her chest sticking Penelope inside. Pure said "Why would mum make a deal like that?"

Piper said "More importantly, what are we gonna do?" I said "Wait, I think I found a spell. To unbind a bond." Nicholas screamed "You can't run from me." Pure said "Okay, we have no choice." Piper said "Okay, Phoebe, hurry." Then picked up the baby bag.

I said "Okay. "The bond which was not to be done, Give us the power to see it undone, And turn back time to whence it was begun." It didn't work?" We we're still standing in the attic.

Prue said "Nothing happened." A phone rang from downstairs but it wasn't familiar. I opened the attic door and said "Whose phone is that?" Piper said "Not ours." Someone downstairs said "Halliwell residence."

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