Morality Bites Pt 2

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We pulled up to the Manor and El said "Are we doing something with Aunt Piper?" I said "Yes, now go." she left her bag and got out of the limo, people kept touching me and my hair as we got out and I said "Hey, hey. Okay, enough! People, stop touching me. Stay, stay, stay." We walked upstairs and El hugged Piper who hugged her back as she said "Prue, what's going on?" I said "I don't know, but I could get used to it. Check me out. I don't just work at Bucklands, I own it. And three more. Paris, Tokyo and London." El said, "Speaking of London, when can we go back?" I said, "I don't know right now, El." Piper said, "And you're blonde." I said "Yeah, strange." Piper said "Wait, you had time to go to work already? And why aren't you in school Miss Thang?" El said, "Ask mom, she woke up crazy."

I said "Well, actually, I woke up there but it was amazing. I had all these assistants and this huge office and I have a chauffeur and he's so totally hot. She is staying with us today. How'd you do? Is that a good thing or...?" we walked inside and Piper said, "Well if you ignore my failed marriage and the fact that I'm still living in the manor." I said, "You are married?" Piper said "Was. My daughter is on her way..." I said "Wait. Stop right there. You have a daughter?" she said "Yeah, and, and, and she's beautiful." I said "Of course she is. What's her name?" Piper said "Oh God. I don't know. But, Prue, she has powers. But for some reason, I told her not to use them. Why would I do that?" I said "El, why is your cousin not allowed to use magic?" she stared at me like I was stupid and said "You and Aunt Piper forbade us from using them because of the witch hunts, said you didn't want us to end up like Aunt Phoebe... You don't remember anything, do you? You used magic, freaking hypocrite." she crossed her arms and stared at us.

I said "El, listen closely, no we don't remember anything, Aunt Phoebe had a vision and we came to the future to figure out how to stop her death, Speaking of why... Why are we in our future bodies? I mean, I thought we were supposed to come here and see them." Piper said "Well, apparently going to the past isn't the same as going to the future. I just wish that since we are in our future bodies that we could have some memory of what's happened in the last ten years, like how I got a daughter." El said "So this is your future? What year are you from then? I mean you remember me." I said "In our current time you are 8 months old." she said, "2 months after daddy died..."

I said, "Okay, wait for a second if I'm in my future body and you are in your future body then that means that Phoebe..." Piper said "TV... louder, louder." the volume went up and the reporter said "...execution. We're less than eight hours away now until the burning of Phoebe Halliwell. The witch accused of murdering Cal Greene six months ago." Piper said "Eight hours? We were supposed to be here two weeks before." I shushed her as the reporter said "Let's go there now live where Sierra Stone is standing by. Sierra..." Sierra said "San Francisco district attorney, Nathaniel Pratt, whose discovery of the witch last August, has made him an early favorite for the governor's seat, just came out to make a statement. Let's listen in." Nathaniel said "This is a reflection of our citizens' resolve to ferret out the hidden evil. To turn fear into a fight, and to band together as one. To cleanse our city of its greatest threat. Tonight, Phoebe Halliwell will burn for her crime. And when she does, let that be a warning to other witches out there. You're next."

I grabbed El's hand and we all went upstairs into the attic as I said "Oh, surprise. Here we go, up the stairs, into the attic, grabbing the Book of Shadows. Please tell me we're still not gonna be doing this in ten years." the book wasn't here Piper said "Apparently not. The book is gone." El said, "Mom what are we doing?" I ignored her "It's got to be here, we need it to find the return spell." Piper said "Prue..." I said "Piper, just help me look for it." she said, "Okay, relax, we'll find it." I said "You don't know that. I mean, what if it's lost, what if we can't find it? Then we're stuck in our future bodies with no way of getting out of them and no way of saving Phoebe." I flicked my arm and destroyed the attic Piper said "Ooh! Been working out?" I said, "I guess that's a little sample of what ten years do to our powers."

El said "Mom! What are you looking for?" I said "The book of Shadows... El do you know where it is?" she said, "Yeah, of course, I do." Piper said "A key." I said, "It's the key to my wall safe at Bucklands." Piper said "Do you think that means it's there? We've never taken the book out of the house before." I said "Yeah, we haven't but maybe our future selves have. The question is why?" Piper said "We don't even know what we're like in this time, Prue, let alone what we think. But if the book is at Bucklands, maybe it'll give us some answers." I said, "But you know who does?" I turned to my 10-year-old "El where is the book?" she said, "In your office." I said, "Why?" She said "So the cops don't find it. When Aunt Phoebe got arrested the manor was searched." I said "All right, then we'll go there first, then to Phoebe to see if she's all right. Sorry about the mess."

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