6 - Conversations in the Corridor

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As soon as the bell rang, signaling the end of class, I packed up my notes and was out the door as quickly as I could. Although, it seemed my efforts to get away from George were pointless, as he was right beside me the whole time.

I tried to ignore him for a little, thinking that maybe he'd just get bored of me and leave, but no, he continued to walk with me. He probably doesn't even know where I'm going.

"So," George started speaking, "where are we headed?"

My thoughts were correct.

"Well, I don't know where you're headed, but I'm going to the library," I answered.

"Seems like I will be going to the library as well then," he said with a small smile.

I stopped walking and looked over at him with confusion written all over my face.

He stopped as well and took in my expression. "What?"

"You, George Weasley, are going to the library?" I asked, shocked. Never in my fucking life have I ever seen a Weasley twin in the library, and now, because I'm going there, George is as well? Is he on something?

"Yes, I just said that," he lightly chuckled.

"Since when does a Weasley twin go to the library?" I questioned.

He faked a look of hurt. "For your information, I've gone to the library before. It just so happened that Madam Pince kicked Fred and I out, so we haven't been back there since."

I was even more puzzled at that. "How do you get any work done?"

"Sometimes I first try to do it on my own, and then I usually ask if I can copy off of someone else," George said with a shrug.

"So you don't get any work done," I said, as more of a statement than a question.

He nodded his head before answering, "Yeah, basically."

"How are you supposed to pass your O.W.L.s like that?" I asked.

"Well," he paused, a brief look of concern passing over his face, "I honestly don't care what I get on my O.W.L exams. What I really want to do doesn't necessarily require an education."

"If you don't care what you get, then why do you look concerned?"

The concern on George's face melted away into a look of confusion. "How'd you know I was concerned?" he asked me.

"Well, you just confirmed it then," I pointed out. "But before, it was basically just written all over your face."

He looked even more confused now. "How were my emotions 'written all over my face'?"

"Don't ask me how, they just were," I answered. "So... are you going to tell me why you were concerned?" I asked with a small smile.

"Why do you want to know," George said with a teasing grin.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Just curious. If you're going to keep hanging around me like this, we might as well get to know each other some, just so we're not complete strangers."

Some emotion, maybe surprise, seemed to pass through him, making his cocky exterior falter the slightest bit. "Well," he started, "I'm a little concerned about what my mum's going to say about my... career choices."

"And what are your career choices?" I asked.

He seemed a little nervous as he started talking, "Well, you know how much Fred and I like to do jokes and pranks, yeah?"

I nodded, and he continued speaking. "You see, that's exactly what we wanna do," he was getting more excited as he continued speaking. "We don't want to work some boring old Ministry job, like our mum wants. Fred and I want to create our own business of pranks. You know, like making our own joke products and selling them in our own store."

He looked at me once he finished speaking, appearing nervous about what I had to say.

I was smiling when I responded to him. "That sounds amazing, George. Go with what you want, not what your mum wants," I encouraged him.

He perked up after I responded. "Really?"

"Yeah. It's your life, not hers," I told him. "If I were in your position, I would choose the decision that makes me the happiest in the long run. And another joke shop rather than Zonko's would be nice. I bet the kids would love it."

"So," he said with a wide grin, "say, theoretically, Fred and I do open our own joke shop, and say, we are friends whenever that happens. Would you come to the grand opening?"

"Of course I would," I answered. "I mean, why would I miss the grand opening of a friend's store?"

"No idea," George shrugged. "Hence why I asked, just to make sure," he said with a slight grin. "Now, the real question is, would you actually buy anything?"

"Depends," I said with a smirk. "Do I get a discount?"

"Depends," he copied me with a smirk of his own. "Why do you think you should get a discount?"

I mocked being offended. "Why wouldn't I get a discount? First off, in this theoretical situation, I would be your friend, so I deserve a discount solely for that. Second off, I'm the one encouraging you to go through with this damn joke shop plan, so I should also get a discount for that too."

George looked at me for a moment, faking being deep in thought. "Well, I guess you do make a fair point."

"Which means..." I egged him on.

"Which means, I suppose you'd get a discount," he finished with a smile.

"Well then, I suppose I would buy at least one of your joke products," I smiled back.

We both stood there, simply looking at each other in a comfortable silence for a bit.

Once I realized that we were literally standing in the middle of the corridor, I cleared my throat and looked down at my shoes to try and form a coherent sentence.

"I've, uh, still got to go to the library. That wasn't some lie to get you to stop following me," I awkwardly chuckled.

George smiled some. "Well, I'll let you go do that. Hope you don't mind if I don't come with, I rather hate the library. I'd just be a menace."

I lightly laughed while nodding. "That's completely fine with me. I'm sure your brother is probably wondering what you've been up to, and why you've decided to run off with me."

"Yeah, most likely," he stopped, thinking for a second, before speaking again. "I'd like to say, I really enjoyed chatting with you."

My eyes widened a little. "Yeah," I nervously chuckled, "me too."

He smiled at me, and then started speaking again, "So, we will chat again soon, I hope?"

"Definitely," I said while nodding my head.

"Good," he simply said. "See you around, Adriana," he winked, and then turned around to head towards the Gryffindor common room, leaving me to process this whole interaction in my head as I made my way to the library.

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