66 - Kissing Concoction

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I somehow convinced George to let me talk with Tonks for almost the entire day. At first he said he would be taking me away at lunch, but then, after some begging and a few promises on my part, George said he'd part with me until five, at which point he said he wouldn't be able to go any longer without me. So, Tonks and I sat at the kitchen table, talking for hours on end until she was called to leave on some mission with some of the other Order members.

"Don't tell anyone I told you," she whispered to me before she left, "but, we're going to go pick up Harry." She smiled at me, waving goodbye when she was once again beckoned away by Remus. I exited the kitchen after she left, ascending the stairs to the ground floor. I watched for a moment as Tonks and Remus exited the house, before I made my way up the main staircase and into the twins' room.

When I entered, both twins were sitting on the floor around their cauldron, Fred stirring some potion bubbling inside of it.

"Perfect timing!" Fred exclaimed once he spotted me.

I closed the door of the bedroom as George turned around to look at me, smiling as I sat down next to him. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders as I said, "Perfect timing for what?"

"To test our newest invention, of course," Fred answered, gesturing to the cauldron.

"What is it?" I asked, peering at the potion which was clear with a slight pink tinge.

"Kissing Concoction," Fred replied. "It's a type of love potion we invented for our WonderWitch line."

"WonderWitch?" I questioned. "What the fuck is that?"

"It's going to be the line of products in our shop that's targeted toward witches," he explained. "So, y'know, love potions... uh... other products that witches are into... What do witches like?"

"I don't know," I shrugged.

"You're a witch, how do you not know?!" Fred asked.

"I've just never been interested in love potions before," I answered. "Maybe others are, but not me. So, I really don't know what products you should include in this WonderWitch line of yours."

"What a great help you are," Fred said with a roll of his eyes. "Since you can't tell me what products witches would like, you think you're up for testing this bad boy?" He, once again, pointed at the potion in the cauldron.

"No," George replied before I could speak. "She's not testing it."

"Why not?" Fred asked his brother. "What's the worst that could happen? Your girlfriend bombards you with kisses?"

"The worst that could happen is she gets poisoned if we fucked up the recipe!" George replied. "I'm not going to take that chance, Fred."

"Well, someone's gotta test it!" Fred exclaimed. "And it's not gonna be me. There's no one in this house I'd like to drown in kisses and obsess over."

"I'll test it," George said, rolling his eyes at his brother. "If Adriana is cool with it." He turned his head to look at me.

"It's fine with me," I shrugged. "As long as the potion makes you kiss me and not anyone else."

"Don't worry," Fred started, waving his hand, "as long as you give him the potion, George will be all over you. If we made it correctly, that is."

"And what if you didn't make it correctly?" I asked.

"Then nothing happens," Fred answered. "If the slim chance he gets poisoned does happen, then we have this guy," he paused for a moment as he lifted up a vial filled with some potion, "to make sure he doesn't die. So, no worries."

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