17 - Meeting Mrs. Weasley

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"Adriana," I heard someone say, and I felt them shake my shoulder. "Wake up."

I stirred awake from my slumber, and slowly opened my eyes to see the blurry figures of Cedric and Naomi across from me, gathering their belongings. I turned my head to look up at Katherine, who was giving me a small smile.

"We're almost at King's Cross," she gently said. "I figured you'd want to be awake when we got there."

"Yeah," I gave a small laugh. I then lifted my head from her lap and sat up completely, stretching my limbs out and yawning.

I stood up and grabbed my bag off of the shelves above us, grabbing my glasses out and putting them on. I then stuffed the throw blanket I used for my nap into the bag.

I sat back down on the seat, placing my bag next to me, and rubbed my eyes to wake me up some more.

The Hogwarts Express quickly reached the station, and the four of us got up and started giving each other goodbye hugs.

"See you all after the holidays," I said while giving Katherine a hug. I then moved to Cedric and hugged him, saying, "Will you be able to visit me at all during the break, or will your parents keep you at home again?"

"No idea," Cedric shrugged, releasing me from our hug. "I might be able to sneak out of the house one day, but they will definitely keep me at home all day on Christmas."

"That's fine," I said. "I hopefully have plans to have dinner with George and his family at his house on Christmas."

"You what now?" Naomi said, her eyes wide.

"Yeah," I said. "He invited me over, but I just want him to check with his mum first to make sure it's ok. Although, he said his mum loves guests, so, theoretically, it should be fine. I also invited him to come over to the bookstore and hang out."

"Wait, so, do the Weasleys actually live near the muggle village?" Naomi asked.

"Mhmm," I hummed. "George said that it's about a fifteen to twenty minute walk."

"Ooo, Adriana's going to be getting some action this holiday season," Naomi teased, wiggling her eyebrows and smirking.

"Oh, shut up, will you?" I told her with a roll of my eyes, walking out of the compartment and ignoring whatever she had to say next.

As soon as I made it off the train and onto the platform, my attention was drawn to a family of redheads, who I swear I see literally everywhere now.

Just as I was about to look away from the Weasleys and back towards my friends, one of the twins noticed me and started frantically waving me over.

I just stared at him with a deadpan look, slowly shaking my head. The twin nodded his head back at me, continuing his waving.

"Well, on you get," Naomi said, nudging me forward.

"Oh my god," I said while catching my balance. "Seriously?" I asked while turning to her.

"Yes, seriously," she answered. "We," she gestured to her, Cedric, and Katherine, "will see you after the holidays. Have fun!"

Cedric and Katherine gave me waves while chucking, and Naomi turned me back around and pushed me forward again.

I turned briefly and flipped my friends off before facing back towards the Weasleys. When I looked at them this time, the other twin had noticed his brother's antics, and was seemingly scolding him. As I got closer to them, I realized that the twin who waved me over was Fred, while the one now elbowing Fred was George.

"You two excited for Christmas?" I asked once I reached the twins.

George's head snapped to me, and a nervous smile was placed upon his face.

"Yeah," he answered. "Uhm, sorry about Fred doing the whole waving you over thing. He just wants to embarrass us, apparently."

I laughed lightly before saying, "It's fine. I probably would've stopped by and said a quick hello and goodbye, anyways."

George nodded his head, a relieved look now on his face, and before he could continue our conversation, a new, unfamiliar voice spoke up.

"Hello there, dear," I looked to the right of the twins to see a shorter, redhead woman smiling at me. "I don't think I know you."

"This is Adriana," Fred quickly said before I could introduce myself to the woman, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "She's Georgie's friend."

"Oh," the woman said, surprise spread across her face. "Well, it's nice to meet you, dear. My name's Molly," she held out her hand, which I took and we shook hands briefly.

"You as well," I said nervously, removing Fred's arm from around me.

We stood in an awkward silence for a second before Fred nudged George and cleared his throat. "Isn't there something you needed to tell mum, George?" Fred asked, raising an eyebrow at his brother.

"Oh, right," George cleared his throat this time, turning to face his mother. "Mum, I was wondering if it would be ok for Adriana to come over for Christmas dinner."

"Oh, well yes, it would be fine," Mrs. Weasley said, even more surprised now. "But, do you have anything else planned for Christmas? Like dinner with your family?"

"My parents and I usually don't do much on Christmas," I told her. "We either make a small dinner for the three of us, or we just go out to a restaurant. So, they should be ok with me coming over for Christmas dinner with you."

"Alright, then. If your parents are ok with it, so am I," Mrs. Weasley said with a smile.

"Okay," I said, turning towards George. "I'll ask my parents when I get back home, so I'll tell you what they said whenever you can come down to the bookstore, yeah?"

"Yeah, okay," George said, nodding his head.

"Okay," I said back. "Well, I'll see you later then. Nice meeting you, Mrs. Weasley."

"You too, dear," she told me, waving goodbye.

I waved to the Weasleys I had been talking to and walked away, exiting the platform.

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