22 - The End of 5th Year

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The rest of the school year flew past, continuing much like the rest of the year had. I would attend classes with my friends, jot down notes, go hang out after lessons, study in a multitude of places, like the library, the common room, and down by the Black Lake, chilling with the Giant Squid.

The most exciting part of the whole school year, apart from Sirius Black breaking into the castle and attacking the Fat Lady, happened at the very end, weeks before we were to head back to our respective homes.

I had been asleep during it, exhausted from studying for and doing all my different O.W.L. exams, but I had been jostled awake by Naomi as soon as the news had spread around the castle.

"Wake up, Adriana!" Naomi yelled as she shook me awake. "You won't believe the news Cedric just told us! C'mon, up you get!" She dragged me out of bed, and proceeded to drag me out to the common room, where many voices were overlapping each other, all talking in excited tones.

"What's going on?" I groggily asked, seeing Katherine and Cedric among those gathered in the common room.

Naomi pulled me to where Katherine and Cedric were gathered by the fire, talking with a few other Hufflepuffs. She forcibly sat me down on the couch next to Cedric, and sat down on the arm of the couch by me.

"Tell her what news you just brought to the common room, Cedric," Naomi urged. "You won't believe this once you hear it," she then told me.

I slowly turned my head to Cedric and gave him a questioning look.

"Okay, so, there's a couple of things," Cedric started. "This might fry your sleepy brain."

"That's fine," I yawned. "Start gossiping."

"So, apparently, Professor Lupin is a werewolf."

"What?!" All sleep immediately left my brain. "Where did you hear this? Hold on, why am I even asking? You always have, like, all the gossip from around Hogwarts."

"I do not," Cedric said, offended. He shook his head and continued speaking. "Anyways, not only is Professor Lupin a werewolf, but Sirius Black was on the school grounds. Something happened in the Whomping Willow, apparently, and then Professor Lupin turned, since it's a full moon tonight, tried to attack Harry Potter and his friends, Professor Snape sent him off, and then hundreds of dementors attacked Harry Potter and Sirius Black. Black was taken prisoner somewhere in the castle, and Harry and his friends were brought to the hospital wing to heal."

"Alright..." I trailed off, processing this information.

"Hold on, Adriana, I'm not done yet," Cedric said.

"There's more?"

"Yes, there's more," he laughed. "When people went up to retrieve Sirius Black to give him the Dementor's Kiss, he was gone. The cell door had been busted open, and he had disappeared without a trace, which was weird and confusing since he was held in a tower. And now that's it."

I just stared off at the fire for a few moments. "So, let me get this straight. Something happened in the Whomping Willow, something that we have no further details of, correct?"

"Correct," Cedric answered.

"Alright. And, after that, Professor Lupin turned into a werewolf, tried to attack Harry and his friends, and Professor Snape saved them?"

"From what I've heard, yes."

"Okay. Once all that happened, both Sirius Black and Harry Potter got attacked by dementors? How come it was both of them?"

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