25 - Mrs. Weasley's Explosion

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"Will you please teach me how to broom surf? I swear, I will get down onto my knees and beg you if I have to. I will forever love you and forever be in debt to you if you teach me." Charlie looked about two seconds from actually dropping down to his knees. I kind of wanted to see if he would do it. Although, based on the fact that he had practically jumped onto me the second I stepped foot into the kitchen, and had started begging me to teach him all of my Quidditch skills, I don't doubt what he said.

"How long can I make you beg until you give up?" I questioned.

"Oh, I will continue doing this until you eventually give in or you get annoyed with me and hex me," Charlie answered, going back to begging a second later.

"Alright, alright," I said, stopping him. "I'll teach you."

"Great!" he exclaimed, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the kitchen with him, yelling, "If you want to be taught how to broom surf by Adriana, then come out back with your brooms!"

"Wait, hold on," I said, pulling against his hold and stopping us from walking. "Right now? I'm going to teach you right now? And, I said I would teach you, not anyone who wanted to be taught by me."

"Oh, sweetheart," he started, releasing me to put his arm on my shoulder and lean against me like he was leaning against a fucking wall, "by agreeing to teach me, you've agreed to teach all the Weasleys. And yes," he stopped leaning and grabbed my arm again, "right now."

"How do you make balancing look so easy?" Fred asked, out of breath from making so many attempts at standing up on his broom.

"It is," I shrugged, "for me, at least. You just have to get the hang of it, really."

"I've been trying to get the hang of it for a fucking hour!" he shouted before going back to crouching and balancing on his broom.

For the past two hours or so, I had been teaching Ginny, George, Fred, Bill, and Charlie all I knew about balancing, leading up to the broom surfing part. First, I tested them all to see what level of balancing they were each on, and then I spent the first hour getting everyone to the same level. I then taught them how to balance on their broom in a crouch. The second hour had been spent trying to get everyone to stand up and balance on their brooms, which had gone not so smoothly.

Everyone fell, is what I'm hinting at. Except for me, of course, I've been standing up on my broom for like an hour straight, and I'm getting kind of tired, to be honest. Luckily, though, I had everyone hover only a few feet off the ground, since I knew at least one person was bound to fall during this lesson.

"Holy shit," Ginny said suddenly, drawing everyone's attention to her. The reason for her exclamation seemed to stem from the fact that she was standing up and balancing on her broom, really well, might I add.

The others had stopped their attempts at balancing and instead took to watching Ginny as she stood, balanced perfectly on her broom for a good ten seconds before she wobbled a bit and hopped down onto the ground.

Her landing was met by some small applause coming from the back door of the Burrow, and I focused my attention there to see Mr. Weasley, Ron, and Hermione all standing and watching, clapping for Ginny's ten seconds of successful balance.

"I'm about to head off to go get Harry," Mr. Weasley announced, walking toward the middle of the yard, where we were hovering on our brooms. "Ron is joining, Hermione said she'd just stay here. Anyone else coming with?"

"We are!" Fred and George exclaimed together, both of them lowering to the ground. Fred took off into the house, but George stayed behind and looked back at me.

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