65 - Tonks

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I did, in fact, spend the rest of the night talking with Sirius, listening to story after story about his years at Hogwarts, before I was pulled out of the kitchen by Hermione and Ginny. They dragged me back up to our room and quickly explained what had happened that day before I arrived at Grimmauld Place.

Apparently, Harry and his cousin got attacked by dementors, Harry almost got expelled from Hogwarts, and he'll be facing a hearing at the Ministry of Magic for using the Patronus Charm underage and in the presence of a muggle.

"What, did they just want Harry to get kissed by a fucking dementor?" I asked no one in particular. "I think that'd be worse than using the charm to save him and his cousin. Also, doesn't his cousin already know about magic? Why would they be charging him for that if his cousin already knows?"

"They're just trying to make Harry at fault for anything and everything," Hermione answered. "The Ministry has had it out for him and Dumbledore all summer."

"Oh, I'm aware," I said. "I cancelled my subscription to the Daily Prophet the minute I saw slander against Harry in the paper."

"This whole situation is bullshit," Hermione said. Ginny and I looked at her in surprise, as Hermione rarely cussed. "They're making it seem like Harry and Dumbledore are delusional, like they're insane for insisting You-Know-Who is back. The Ministry just brushed off all that happened at the end of the school year. They're pretending like you didn't almost die, and like Mr. Crouch wasn't murdered by his own son who was disguised as a teacher at Hogwarts the whole school year! Cornelius Fudge needs to get his head out of his arse and see the reality of what's happening in the Wizarding World!" Hermione then jumped up from her bed, an angry look on her face as she stormed out of the room. Ginny and I turned to look at each other once Hermione left, both of us left surprised at her outburst.

"Well, shit," Ginny mumbled. "I kinda like this side of Hermione."

The next morning, Grimmauld Place was bustling with activity.

I was woken up by the sounds of voices and footsteps coming from the floors below me, and immediately got up out of bed and exited the bedroom, looking over the banister to see many people who I didn't recognize walking back and forth along the ground floor.

"This happens most days," Hermione said as she walked out of the bathroom, making me jump slightly. "They're all Order members, doing whatever tasks they've been assigned to." She too looked over the railing. "There's a lot more people than usual today, though. Not exactly sure why, but there must be some big meeting that's going to be happening later."

"Meeting?" I asked.

"An Order meeting," she replied. "The members have meetings very frequently, but only some of them are super important."

"What happens in the meetings?"

"I don't know," Hermione shrugged. "Only Order members are allowed in the meetings, all the kids have to stay upstairs until the meetings are over. Although, Fred and George have these Extendable Ears that they made, and they've been using them to hear what goes on in the meetings."

"So," I started, "what have they heard?"

"Nothing important," she answered. "Just random things about missions they've been sent on. Oh, we did learn one day that Professor Snape is a part of the Order, which surprised everyone else. I'm not really sure why, since he seems close to Dumbledore, so it's not that much of a shock that he's in the order."

"Maybe their hatred for Professor Snape, and his hatred for them, has made them think he's evil," I joked. "They're thinking that he just has to be a Death Eater."

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