20 - First Match with the Weasleys

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I didn't reply to George. I only gave him a small smile as Ginny threw the quaffle up into the air, signaling the start of the game.

I immediately dove down for the quaffle, barely beating George to it. As soon as it was in my hands, I tucked the quaffle into my right arm, using my left hand to steer the broom towards the goals.

I sensed George hot on my trail, and started doing a zigzag pattern to throw him off. It worked for as long as I needed it to, as I saw him come up next to me and make attempts to grab the quaffle from my grip, but to no avail.

I quickly reached the hoops Fred was guarding, and made it look as though I was going to throw the quaffle in the hoop on the right, but instead threw it to the left. The quaffle went straight in, and I heard Bill and Ginny cheer as I scored the first points of the game. If we're keeping track of points, that is. I know I definitely am.

Before I could even process what he'd done, George had already swept down and snatched the quaffle up once it flew through the hoop. I quickly got back into the zone, though, racing after George, who was making his way across the yard.

I managed to sidle up next to George, who tried, unsuccessfully, to elbow me away. I elbowed him back, but it was more of a harsh shove to get him to lose his grip on the quaffle.

It didn't budge. What was I expecting from a damn beater? Of course he would have a good grip.

I instead took to wrestling him for the quaffle, which seemed to work at least a little bit. It caused George to lose control of his broom, having to let go and wrestle me back. I suppose that's only because he wasn't expecting me to start playing dirty. No one ever said anything against playing dirty before we started the game, though.

We had both stopped moving. We were just hovering while wrestling each other for the quaffle. I don't know how long our in flight wrestling match lasted for, but I eventually managed to steal the quaffle away for a split second, taking that second to zoom away with it.

George wasn't far behind. We were head and head, and I could see the gears turning in his head, devising a way to get the quaffle from me. George slowed down a little bit, moving away from my line of sight. Confused, I looked around a little for him, but he was nowhere to be found. All of the sudden, arms from up above me snatched the quaffle away. I looked up, and George was flying upside down on his broom, the quaffle in his hands and a cocky smile on his face.

I glared at him and quickly reached up to grab the quaffle, but he pulled his arms back, just out of my reach, and flew off, turning right side up as he went.

I sharply turned around and zoomed up right behind George, trying to get enough speed to make a move and steal the quaffle from him. I didn't act quick enough, though, and he managed to throw the quaffle right past Bill and into one of the hoops.

This time, Fred and Charlie were the ones to cheer as George looked at me and winked with that stupid cheeky smile of his. I only rolled my eyes and dove down for the quaffle, racing off to the other side of the pitch.

The game continued like this for some time. I would get the quaffle and score, and then George would get the quaffle and score. We would wrestle each other for the ball, one person would come out victorious and, once again, score.

George had just thrown the quaffle into the hoops Bill was guarding, bringing his score up to 100, and therefore making the match tied again.

"Fucking hell," I panted, out of breath from the seemingly never ending match. Once I had composed myself, I dove down towards the quaffle for what felt like the hundredth time that day, reaching it right before George did. Again, I zoomed off with it in my grip, George racing after me, like what had been happening this whole damn game.

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