32 - Pain

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The only sensation I could feel at that moment was pain. My head was throbbing. My arm was tingling. My side felt like it had just been stabbed.

I peeled my eyes open to see the dark, starry sky. I then slowly sat up, my head disagreeing with me the whole time, and realized I was on the ground. I looked at my surroundings to find no people, but the remains of smoking tents all around.

I moved my attention to myself, and specifically, to where I was feeling the most pain. I looked down at my right side to see a large tear in my sweater, with red staining the material. I gently lifted the sweater to reveal a deep gash in my side, which was still actively bleeding. I cursed under my breath as I dropped the sweater and went to inspect other wounds I might have.

I soon found a tear in my left sleeve, which revealed another cut, smaller and seemingly done bleeding. There were tears in my jeans, from what I wasn't sure, but I presumed I fell and ripped them, as my knees were beat up.

I could not find any more major injuries after further inspection, only small scratches and bruises here and there. Although, I couldn't tell what had been done to my face. My head ached majorly, and for what reason I did not have the energy to figure out.

Once done diagnosing myself to the best of my abilities, I attempted to stand up, which did not go so well. Black dots crowded my vision, and I fell back down onto my butt. Once my vision was normal again, I made a second attempt at standing, which was much more successful than the last.

I was up, but I was not stable whatsoever. The pain everywhere in my body flared up, and it took everything in me to stay upright. Once I was stable enough, I prepared myself to start walking.

I grasped my side, and, slowly but surely, I started limping my way over towards the woods. On my way there, I tried to remember what all had happened. I started out with Mr. Weasley ordering us to head into the woods. I then moved onto holding George's hand for dear life and joining the crowd of people also headed into the forest. I then remembered that I had been pushed and pulled by the people around me, and consequently lost my grip on George. I remember watching as he got pulled closer to the trees, and I was pulled further. And from there on, everything was blurry. I couldn't piece together a solid memory to save my life.

Now that I was done trying to figure out what the hell got me onto the ground with many wounds, I realized that I had finally limped my way into the woods, and a little further, as I started to hear whispers pop up around me. The deeper I went, the more voices I heard, and I eventually found the source, as I stumbled upon families and friends grouped together, all consoling and comforting one another.

I desperately looked around, hoping to see any tall redheads, but to no avail. There was not a single red hair in sight. Disappointed, I continued limping through the woods, weaving in and out of groups of people.

I was basically ready to give up, and I had slumped against a tree to find any strength left in me, when suddenly, screams surrounded me. I was confused, until I saw a green glow on the ground. I looked up to find the source of it, a skull with a snake coming out its mouth floating high up in the sky. I supposed that was what was causing all this sudden fear.

I then slid down the tree and onto the ground, the last of my energy leaving me as I about passed out. About, I say, as I swore I heard my name being called. It was faint. I could barely hear over the screams, but I heard it. I immediately perked up, trying hard to tune out all the fear ridden voices and listen for my name.


There it was. Hearing that gave me the last bit of strength I needed to pull myself up and limp over to where my name was being shouted from.

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