26 - George's Shitty Summer

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It had to have been at least another thirty minutes or more before I heard two sets of feet trudging up the stairs. I exited Ginny's room, where Bill, Charlie, Ginny, and I had been waiting for Mrs. Weasley to calm down, and found both Fred and George slowly walking toward their room, their faces void of all emotions.

I just sort of stood in the doorway as they started to walk past, not sure if I should say something or stay quiet. Fred looked up at me and gave me a grimace, continuing on to his room, while George looked up at me and paused, a look of contemplation spreading across his features.

"C'mon," George said after a minute, almost in a whisper, nodding his head towards his room. He then continued walking, and I left the doorway to follow him. He opened the door to his room to reveal two beds pushed up against opposite walls, as well as a window in between the two, across from the door. Fred was digging in a trunk at the foot of the bed on the right, which made me assume the bed on the left was George's. My suspicions were confirmed when he walked over to the left bed and sat down, looking across to Fred.

"Don't you two worry," Fred said as he stood up, clothes that seemed to be his pajamas in his hand. "I was just about to leave and shower, which will give you both at least ten minutes alone together. Although, today's shower will probably be longer, since I've got some anger building up in me from mum's yelling fit." He then moved past me and exited the room, closing the door as he left.

"You just gonna stand there the whole time?" I looked over to George and saw a hint of a smile on his lips as he watched me.

"Right," I said as I moved to sit on the edge of the bed with him.

We sat there for a moment before George started speaking. "So, you remember me telling you about my future career plans, right?"

"Mhmm," I hummed. "You said that you and Fred wanted to run your own joke shop together and make all the products yourselves. You also mentioned that your mum probably wouldn't like it. And you also promised to give me a discount."

"All those things are true," he smiled. "Anyways, Fred and I decided on a name for our shop, which is Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. And so, once we decided on a name, we got started on making products. We already had notebooks of product ideas, so we just picked one and made it. We continued on doing this, tweaking and perfecting recipes, and we started to make order forms.

"We wanted to be able to sell these products, to get a start and save up money to actually buy a building and all that stuff. We tried to hide everything the best we could, but our mum ended up finding the order forms when she decided to clean our room, while we were out playing Quidditch.

"Once we got back inside, she was waiting for us in the living room, and she went mad. Blew up on us for following our own damn dreams, and also decided to throw in some hints that she wished we were more like Percy, wished that we didn't get into trouble like we always do at school, and wished that we would try harder and get better grades.

"It didn't help that her rage was already at the surface, simmering, since Fred and I didn't get many O.W.L.s. Well, as many as she wanted us to get. We don't really care about passing or finishing school, since running a joke shop really doesn't take much." George paused his almost monologue and sighed, falling back onto his bed. "After mum yelled at us and everything, she burned all our order forms by throwing them into the fire, right in front of us, and she stormed away to the kitchen, while me and Fred headed up to our room, seething with silent rage and disappointment. And that was how my summer turned so fucking shitty."

George ended his explanation there and rubbed his eyes, resting his arms behind his head after. It was silent between us for a minute, since I wasn't sure what exactly I should say after that.

I decided to not say anything at all, and instead did what I've been told I'm best at.


Well, I sort of hugged him. Actually, I really couldn't hug George at all, since he was laying down, so I decided to just lay down on top of him. I scooted back on the bed and turned so I could lay face down on him, torso to torso, making sort of a plus sign with our bodies.

This action seemed to catch him by surprise, as I saw his head shoot up the moment I started laying down, and when I turned my head to look back at George, his eyes were wide, surprise painted across his face.

We just stared at each other for a couple of seconds before I turned back to the head of his bed and started speaking. "I'm not very good at comforting people with words. I'm much better at hugging and cuddling and stuff. You know, physical touch. And so, after you told me of your shitty summer, I decided that you needed a nice, long hug, except, you're laying down, so I can't really give you a proper hug at the moment, hence why I am currently laying on you. If I'm making you uncomfortable at all, tell me and I will get off of you and never lay on you again. But, for now, here is where I will remain."

"I'm perfectly fine with you laying on me like this," George said. "You just took me by surprise, that's all. I didn't expect for you to just go and lay down on me, y'know?"

"Makes sense," I nodded. "You are very comfy to lay on, might I add."

"Good," he chuckled. "I'm glad I'm a nice mattress." He stopped speaking and took a deep breath in and released it, moving his left hand to pat my head. He then rested it there, and moved his right hand to gently scratch my back. His actions made me close my eyes and yawn, tired from a long day of teaching Quidditch skills. We stayed like that for some time, and I was on the brink of sleep when the door to the room opened. I reluctantly opened my eyes when I heard someone enter and start speaking.

"I told you two you had as long as it took for me to shower, and that time is up." It was Fred who had entered, finished with his shower. He seemed to feel the need to announce that.

"I can tell." George sounded like he was also about to fall asleep before Fred interrupted.

"Anyways," Fred said, and I turned my head to watch as he flopped down onto his bed, moving to lay on his left side to look at George and I, "what are you two doing? Cuddling?"

"Mhmm," I hummed before George could answer. "George needed comforting, and I do that through hugs, but I couldn't exactly hug him with him laying down, so I just layed down on top of him. It seems to have worked, at least a little bit."

"It definitely seems to have worked. You two both look about one second from crashing."

"I'm not sure about Ada, but I was about one minute from being sucked into a very deep sleep before you ruined it," George said, removing his hands from me to rub at his eyes and smother a yawn.

"Same," was all I said as I unwillingly sat up, no longer laying down on George, and stood up completely from the bed, walking to the door to leave. "Goodnight, Georgie," I tiredly said as I left, briefly turning around to wave goodbye.

As I closed the door behind me and started to walk down the hallway, I heard Fred's voice come from inside the room, muffled from the door and walls in between us. Being as curious as I always am, I paused and started eavesdropping.

"Georgie?" Fred sounded confused and surprised. "Only our family calls you that. And you're usually only okay with me calling you that."

"I can get comfortable with other people calling me that," George answered, and he sounded like he was trying to defend himself.

"The only person aside from our family who calls you 'Georgie' is Lee, and you usually punch him whenever he does," Fred pointed out. "So, what's going on here? And what was that whole 'Ada' thing about? Is that her nickname?" He paused his teasing questions to gasp. "You two are already at the nickname stage?! Merlin, you really are growing up fast, Georgie-"

Fred's talking ceased as I heard the sound of an object whacking into something. From the sound of shouts, grunts, and what I thought was the twins fighting each other, I assumed George had thrown a pillow at Fred, resulting in a scuffle.

I just huffed a laugh and shook my head as I walked away, letting the noise of the twins' fight fade into the background as I made my way to Ginny's room and fell into a very deep and peaceful sleep.

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