You were waiting with Steve at 6:48 AM in the conference room. "I guess the others are on time here?", you asked.
"Ah, you wish! They are never on time, why do you think I want to meet that early?"
You waited another 10 minutes but no one seemed to come yet.
"But why though?"
"I can't tell you, Ma'am", Steve replied shrugging.
"Ah, sorry! I am still trying to avoid saying it but sometimes it slips through." You laughed.
"What's so funny?", Natasha asked walking over to you.
"Nothing", you said, still laughing.After another 20 minutes, everyone had finally arrived, Tony being the last of them. "I was working on something", he tried to excuse himself.
"You know what to do?", Steve asked and everyone assured.
"Hey, y/n. Let's go through everything again, okay?", Steve asked, guiding you a bit away from the team.
"Okay, Cap."
"Alright, so in half an hour we will land on a field a bit further away and split up, so we can enter from different sides to not get seen. Even if we're getting seen, they won't know how many of us we are. You will go with Natasha to the east side and sneak in. You two are the best in that." He proceeded to explain which documents of Hydra were needed and where you were going to find them. "So far so good?" You nodded and took a deep breath. "But the most important thing is-"
"Don't use your power on the team, try to stay to yourself and if anything is wrong tell Natasha or the team", you said annoyed.
"Correct. But the most important thing is that you stay alive, okay?"
"Yes, sir."
"Alright. We are almost there, try to take it easy. I can already feel your anxiety, so keep it calm."
He chuckled and went off.
"Ready?", Natasha asked after you finished the conversation with the captain.
"No. Not at all. How do you do that? How can you not be anxious?"
"We are anxious, y/n. We just try to focus on the mission and not the anxiety. And you really should get your anxiety together because you are spreading it right now."
"I know! I am trying, okay?"
Steve landed the Quinjet and everyone walked out except you.
"You coming or what?", Tony asked.
"Yeah, yeah I am coming", you said with weak legs.Natasha and you were going to the east entrance like the Captain had told you to. Behind a few bushes, you hid, trying to make a plan to enter the building.
"Okay, so... How does this usually work?", you asked nervously.
"Well, we mostly just have a look at how many there are, and usually I have already taken everyone down while the others are still thinking", Natasha explained chuckling and you joined in.
"Yeah, sounds about right and to be honest I didn't think of anything else. But the others probably know what to do, while I have no clue... So..."
"Don't worry, y/n! I wasn't going to leave you until you feel ready."
"Oh, good! I was pretty scared already."
"You still don't have your ability under control, so I know about that."
"It's okay. It's not strong so I can handle it. We should take the three on the left first, then we go over to the two on the right. We can just hope that the ones right in front of the door won't see us, otherwise, everything will be a little bit different."You sneaked to the left side, where Natasha put down two and you one. It was pretty easy because your timing was perfect, so none of them could help each other to fight you.
The others were easy as well, you just got hit by one of them which was why your lip was bleeding a little.
"You okay?", Natasha asked worried.
"Sure, let's get in!"
Natasha opened the door and you two got in. Just a few meters into the direction you needed to go, you felt a wave of strong anger.
"Hide. Hide, hide, hide, hide, hide", you whispered repeatedly, clearly in panic. Natasha grabbed your hand and pulled you to a recess where you could hide. While you had a wall in your back, Natasha leaned against you, pressing you even more against it. She peaked around the corner to see what was going on.
You heard steps and men talking now.
"How did you know?", Natasha asked confused.
"Felt them."
"That comes in handy. Next time just say it one or two times, that's totally enough. And please, tell me whenever that comes up again, even just a slight change you recognize, okay? That could save our ass a lot." She still was so close that you felt her heart beating against your chest. "Okay, it's clear now." She looked into your eyes and realized how close she was. Her breathing got faster. "I uhm... I", she stumbled, "Sorry. I just wanted to... you know." Though she only stepped back after a few more seconds.
"Don't worry. Let's head to get the documents", you said while your heart was still pounding.

Y/N and the Avengers
FanfictionY/N joined the Avengers because of her empath abilities and never really had a family until now. Sadly she gets captured by Hydra and they try some new experiments to get a new super soldier. No one besides Bucky knows best how it is to be in her si...