The End

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It had been a year since your last bad drift to the "other world" as you used to describe it when you weren't quite conscious. Tony couldn't find exact relations to other disorders but it didn't surprise him - if Hydra could destroy an identity structure to build a new one and bring people to do and live through unimaginable things, they might as well cause symptoms no one encountered yet. It was its own disorder, with its own symptoms and problems.

Bucky was still scared to lose you any time and got panic attacks when you had consciousness problems but he didn't show them. He didn't want to worry you.
Tony had told him that this is how you were now and that no one could help you yet but he was on it.
"Maybe one day I can help but the chance to build a time machine is higher than that", Tony said and Bucky sighed. "Thank you anyways. Do you think she...", he cleared his throat, "will get lost again?" "I think she kinda knows how it works now. And if she gets lost, I am pretty sure Q will help her. Or the other way around if that's the case. They did it one time, why shouldn't it work another?" "What if something bad happens and they both get stuck in there again?" "Then Wanda has to swing her witch hands around and do her work. And you can use the codes to help just like you did last time." "But the codes are gone." Tony raised a brow and said: "Are you sure about that?" "What do you mean?", Bucky sounded serious with a hint of anxiety. "I don't think she erased them. I think she believes that she did but it's still there." "This... can't be true..." "I think she buried it deep down but that's it. Maybe that's enough to have it under control." "It's not. I know that from experience." "Well, then we got another problem to deal with I suppose." Bucky nodded and hummed agreeing. "However, get your suit and finally cover this black eye. It doesn't look good on a wedding."
Bucky rolled his eyes and sighed, then put on his suit.

When you saw Bucky coming closer your heart beat fast. He looked so good in that suit, he should wear it more often, you thought.
When he sat down he smiled at you which you returned. The music began to play and Natasha walked up in her wonderful white dress, Clint leading her. She smiled when she looked at the person she was about to marry and mouthed 'I love you'. You turned your head to Bruce who smiled as brightly as Natasha and you were happy for her to have found the love of her life.
When she had asked you to be her bridesmaid you couldn't have been happier that day.
The ceremony began and they both said their vows, exchanged rings, and kissed in front of everyone. Tony grimaced, then grinned which made you chuckle. The audience applauded and raised their glasses.

You stood outside when Natasha grabbed your arm and pulled you to the others. Confused you watched Natasha walking in front of the people, then winking at you, turned around and threw her bridal bouquet right at you. Yelena and another person you didn't know made sure no one else could get it so you were forced to catch it.
When you held it in your hands, Yelena nudged you and Natasha turned around exclaiming: "I guess y/n is the next one then! What a surprise!" You pressed your lips together which then turned into laughter. Natasha joined you and even Yelena couldn't help it.
"You better marry someone soon or you'll have bad luck. I know someone if you need-" "Oh, no, god no. Stop", you interrupted Yelena. "I'm just saying." "I have a boyfriend, don't worry." "But he's just that, you need a man who will marry you. I can help him make his choice if you need it."
Your eyes widened at Yelena's offer. "Please, spare me. I don't need two assassins to fight each other." "Assassins? Who's the lucky one?", she asked and looked into the mass of people.
As on command Bucky suddenly stood next to you and smiled.
"Hi, you're Yelena? I heard a lot about you. I'm Bucky Barnes." Yelena studied him for a few seconds, then smiled. "I like your future husband", she said and left. "Mind explaining what just happened? Did I miss anything?" "Ugh, yeah, I suppose. Tony? Perfect, here", you said when Tony walked by and shoved the bouquet at him but he avoided having his hands close to it, so you were forced to keep it. "You'll see what you get from that, Stark", you hissed and then sighed.
"I like them", Bucky said and smiled when you held the flowers closer again. "They are pretty, yeah...", you agreed low. "I love you." "I love you too."

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