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As soon as Q arrived, she ran to her room and dropped to the floor after closing the door, and leaned against it. Knocking Natasha asked worriedly: "Do you want to talk about it?"
But Q didn't answer because she couldn't hold back her tears and sobs any longer.
"Hey...", Natasha said softly because she heard it, "I'm here for you if you need anything, okay? I'll always be there for you."
Q opened the door and let Natasha inside.
After Natasha closed the door, she pulled Q into a hug. Caressing her back she whispered: "Just because he fucked up, it doesn't mean you're not allowed to be yourself, okay? I love you the way you are." "Thank... you...", Q said through sobs.
"Just... please don't do that again. I was worried..." Q tightened the hug and then pulled out of it to walk to the bathroom.
After looking in the mirror she cleaned her face and changed into more comfy clothes.
"The goblin is back", she said while extending her arms and her grimace, which she intended to be a smile, turned into a frown and new tears rushed over her face.
"Oh, sweety...", Natasha said and grabbed Q's hand to pull her closer and wiped away a few of her tears. "Let's watch something to get your mind off that jerk", Natasha said with a warm smile and pulled Q to her bed.
Turning on the TV she decided to watch a horror movie since Q preferred those.
Q smiled slightly when Natasha pulled a blanket over them right after. "Like old days, huh?" "Of course", Natasha said smiling.

Half an hour in, Q was in her element: "God, she is so stupid! Just take the key? Why didn't she take the key? I don't get it. And her boyfriend is even worse!" She laughed a lot while watching the movie because the protagonists were pretty stupid. Natasha on the other hand didn't care much about it and simply enjoyed that her friend seemed to feel better. "What?! He's even worse than Bucky!", Q exclaimed and sighed when she realized what she had said. "Forget him. At least for now, okay?" "Okay...", Q replied but her sadness was back already. Natasha noticed and stood up.
"Are you leaving?", Q asked fast, scared she might get left alone by her as well now. "No", Natasha chuckled and opened the drawer to grab the little console, "Can I watch you play?" "Uhm... sure", Q replied and extended her arm to get the console from Natasha.
While she lay back down again, Q turned it on and opened her save file.
"Oh? You're pretty far already. I missed out a lot", Natasha said when she saw how many rooms and guests Q had. "Yeah... Let me give you a tour", Q suggested and Natasha liked the idea.

Q had fallen asleep at some point and Natasha looked at her smiling. "What a dumbass...", Natasha mumbled thinking of Bucky, and stood up carefully to not wake up Q. She grabbed the console, put it back in the drawer where she had gotten it from, and left the room.

Q woke because someone from one of the other rooms was yelling. Wondering she stepped outside in the hallway and followed the voice into the common room. Bucky stopped when he saw her and Natasha turned around to see what got him silent. "I'm sorry we woke you up", Natasha said with a broken smile. "You two are like a married couple who need a divorce but have a child so they stay together. And I feel like that kid in this scenario. It sucks." Her voice was a bit unclear and sleepy.
Natasha sighed and came closer: "We're sorry. We will get along better." "Something a mother would say to her child so it stops worrying. Please, drop that act and be a fucking adult." Q was irritated and hated the situation she was in. "Can we talk, Q?" "No. Not now. I'm too tired for that shit and can't think straight, so it would just end up in another fight. So, you both: get in your rooms, you're busted", Q turned around the situation and went back to bed.

It was still dark outside when Q woke up again. Looking at her phone she noticed a few messages from Bucky and Natasha, both apologizing for waking her up and Bucky still wanted to talk. Q groaned when she realized that she had only gotten 3 hours of sleep but wouldn't be able to fall asleep again.
Changing into fresh clothes she made her way to the kitchen and made some coffee.
"I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry...", Q heard you saying repeatedly but it was far away. She sat down and tried to listen while sipping from her mug. "What's wrong?", she asked into the void. "I... I can't do this anymore... I can't... live like this..." Your voice sounded broken and Q felt bad for you but at the same time annoyed. "You don't have to."
Bucky walked in and sat down in front of her.

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