We can't change our past

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You looked at your hands, took off the gloves, and noticed that the bandages were a bit bloody. Taking them off you were glad that the stitches hadn't opened, the last thing you wanted were new ones. The first aid kit was in the bathroom so you grabbed it from there and put new bandages on them.

Lying down again and staring at the dark ceiling, you thought about the events of the day. "It's not fair...", you whispered with tears in your eyes. °I know...° "Are you okay?" °Never felt better.° You chuckled and a tear rolled down your face. "Let's fight them together", you whispered, "Good night, EQ."

Surprisingly you had no nightmares this time and woke up pretty late. It was unusual that you could sleep more than 3 hours, never had you imagined sleeping 10, like this time.
Getting up you stretched to feel more awake and grabbed a simple outfit from EQ8's wardrobe. You didn't want to wear your clothes from the day before and neither did you want to walk back to your room where a horrible session of memories took place.

When you arrived at the kitchen Wanda was sitting at the table and drinking something out of a mug. "Hey", you said uncertain and a bit scared. Just now she noticed you and tried to smile. "Hey. They don't know I'm here", she said and sighed. You made some tea and sat down as well. "No breakfast?", she asked staring at your mug. Shaking your head you answered: "No, I'm not hungry." "The memories are still haunting you...", she said almost whispering.
Taking a deep breath you wanted to say "No, don't worry", but you knew that lying was misplaced since she probably just read your mind and knew what was going on so you stayed silent.
"I am glad you could get some sleep", she said after a while and you nodded with a shy smile. "You know I... I just needed someone to take out my anger on. And you... your hand..." She sighed. "I knew it wasn't your fault. I knew Hydra did this but I just didn't want to see it. I couldn't get Hydra, but I could get you, so my anger was directed at you... When you were in my mind, when we were in that hell of a cell,... it opened my eyes. I remembered what they did to me, to us. And my..." She took a sip of her drink. "Pietro always thought he was invincible with his speed. He almost died at the Ultron event but since he survived that he thought even more that no one and nothing could get him. But it seems like Hydra wanted to make sure you were unstoppable. And made you stronger. And... made you... kill him..." A tear dropped on the table. "You know, if I would have been there I could have saved him. Could have saved you from killing him. I bet I could have easily stopped you." "No, don't think that way... it's not your fault, okay? I don't know if you could have stopped me or not, I don't know if you could have saved him and we will never know, but what I do know is, that things happened we can't undo. Things we have to live with. And we will get through them, together. Okay? I also wish it wouldn't have happened, I wish I wouldn't need to see that every night in my dreams, I wish things would be different... But they aren't. And that sucks. It does. For both of us. But we'll get through this and find a new way to live", you said and tried to hide the uncertainty you felt about yourself. You knew that Wanda will get through it as long as she wasn't alone with it. But you weren't sure about yourself and the things that happened and the things you still didn't know. You were terrified and had no clue how to survive this but that was also why you had said these words. Not just for Wanda, but also yourself.
Wanda took a deep breath and gave you a sad smile. "You will survive this. You're not alone as well", she said and you chuckled. "I'm staying out of your mind so stay out of mine." Wanda chuckled as well. "Deal. But I won't promise it 24/7. There will be times I have to do it." "Well, then I should get a joker to enter your mind now and then", you said and you both laughed. "We've got a deal", she said and you did as well.
Tony walked in and it startled him to see Wanda. "Please don't kill each other again", he said and studied the situation between Wanda and you. He sighed when he realized there was no tension and just sadness in this room.
"Damn what a depressive mood", he stated, "Get some fresh air or something. I don't want to get depressed just because of you guys." You gave Tony a quick glare and he held his hands up defensively. "No offense", he added, grabbed something out of the fridge and left fast.
Wanda and you looked each other in the eyes for a few seconds until you both couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing.
"Seems like you guys are in a good mood", Natasha said when she entered the kitchen, "Problems solved?" "Yeah. We're fine now", you said and looked at Wanda to be sure she thought the same and she nodded. Smiling you watched Natasha making coffee. "You're not wearing makeup", Natasha stated without looking at you, she must have seen it when she came in, "and you were asleep for a pretty long time. Are you alright?" "Yeah", you said short. "Then let's head down for some training", she said and grabbed the finished cup of coffee.
Looking at your hands you were unsure if that was a good idea. You had hidden the bandages under gloves as you did the day before. "She'll be with me today", Wanda said and Natasha gave her a skeptical look. "Are you okay with that?", Natasha asked and you nodded. She nodded as well and left the room.
"What is your plan Maximoff?", you asked confused but she just chuckled. "I thought I'd safe you before you damage your hands even more." You huffed smiling and thanked her. "Don't make it a habit", you warned her but she just tilted her head in confusion. "We just made a deal to not enter each other's mind all the time", you reminded her. "I know, but I think this situation was important", she tried to get away with it. Scoffing you shook your head.
"But if you want we can train anyways. Just not physical", Wanda suggested and you were all in.

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