While Wanda and Bucky were sitting in your hospital room, Bucky thought back about what had happened yesterday.
The nurse had said that it was good you responded but he shouldn't have high hopes since they still didn't know what was wrong with you. She also couldn't answer his question about why you were talking in Russian, he didn't even know you knew any other one besides german.
"Okay, let's do it", Bucky said and Wanda stood up sighing.Moving her hands and fingers with eyes closed she got in your head.
"You can talk now", Wanda said and Bucky cleared his throat. "Привет, y/n, как дела? (Hey, y/n, how are you?)." "Keep going. Maybe reenact the situation from yesterday", Wanda said. "Alright. So, Hydra was at your grandma's house and they wanted to hurt her. But luckily Felix was there otherwise she probably would have been killed." "That's telling a story, not...", she sighed, "whatever. It works I think."
"Y/n, they will get killed if you don't come back", Bucky lied.
A few seconds later Wanda opened her eyes and held her head.
"What's wrong?", Bucky asked worried and his gaze wandered back to you. "She threw me out." "Did you see her?" Wanda shook her head and looked down. "Please try again", Bucky said and took a deep breath to calm down his nerves.
"Just... just give me a moment. It's horrible in there." "What do you mean?" "It's messy and... dark." Bucky looked at her angrily so she proceeded: "It's loud and the only things I could understand were from Hydra, the other ones were in german I think. Also, it's literally a maze, you're going through a black path and some doors just lead to... bad scenarios. And I already figured out that you have to enter some to get to another black path with more doors but I have no clue where she could be. I am either lucky or she comes to me. If I'd try every room with every new path it would take ages." "We need a bait or something", Bucky mumbled not liking his idea. "Do you have anything in mind?" "I know you can create illusions, can you do it for her as well?" Wanda thought about it while watching you.
"I can try. I guess she fears losing us?" "Felix and her grandma included yeah", Bucky said and Wanda tried it.She was in the darkness, the black path, and along that path were several doors. She created a room without a door and filled it with Hydra getting into the Stark tower and trying to kill everyone. Wanda stepped in and acted as if it would be real that she was in danger.
"Y/n! Y/n!", the fake Bucky yelled, "We need you! Hydra is taking over!" "I can't use my power!", Wanda called and got surrounded by soldiers. "Help! They want to kill me!", she yelled.
"I didn't do anything, I swear! Please don't kill me!", fake Felix whimpered. "Y/n, we need you", Wanda called. You appeared and were about to cry.
"Leave them alone!", you yelled and got the soldiers on their knees with your ability.
Running to fake Bucky you asked if he was okay. "Thank you, doll. You were almost too late", fake Bucky said panting. "Y/n, we have to get out", Wanda said, "they will come back. We have to leave this tower."
Looking around you noticed Felix who nodded, then your grandma who was on the floor. Running to her fast, she smiled at you when you got down to her. "We have to leave", she said and you looked at her confused.
"Are you okay?", you asked. "I'm fine, yes. Don't worry about me. Help me get up instead", she answered. You stood up and looked around.
"Wanda", you said. "We have to leave. It's not good to stay", she said and you scoffed. "I told you to leave me alone." Your voice was angry, evil, and you walked up to her.
"Bucky is waiting outside, you have to wake up. It's breaking him to see you like this." "Like what? I'm not a part of the living. I shouldn't." "What are you talking about? You survived. You just have to get out of your own cell you created." "What about me? My mind? It didn't. You saw what happened, I know it. The torture I've been through, you saw it. Yet you just helped me for a few seconds out of... days? Weeks? Months? Maybe even years? I don't know. It was an eternity. Non. Stop. Torture. And you KNEW. You didn't save me. Nor did anyone else. Then I had a dream, I was in a hospital yet lucky me I was back at being tortured just a couple hours later." "What? No. The torture didn't happen. But you are in the hospital right now. For days already." "I saved myself! And all you're doing is messing with my head? Get out!", you yelled but Wanda fought.
"Wanda, hey, you alright?", Bucky asked which you heard. Your head shot to the spot of the fake Bucky but he was gone.
"Wanda?", Bucky asked again.
"Stop messing with me!", you yelled. "It's real! He is real and waiting outside of your mind, in reality!" You scoffed. "I don't believe you." "Where is EQ8?", Wanda asked knowing she didn't have much time anymore.
"Gone", you said and Wanda was back in the room.
She fell to her knees and held her head in pain. Bucky helped her to sit down on the chair and sat on the one next to her.

Y/N and the Avengers
FanfictionY/N joined the Avengers because of her empath abilities and never really had a family until now. Sadly she gets captured by Hydra and they try some new experiments to get a new super soldier. No one besides Bucky knows best how it is to be in her si...