Missing Avenger

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Clint was listening to the song you had written about in your letter nonstop since you had left. He felt like he had failed but was angry at you at the same time. Natasha didn't want you to be brought up in any conversation anymore or else she'd left right away. She only focused on missions and her whole life was just about the work. If there was a day off she just left to find a mission somewhere else. 

"Natasha, you have to slow down", Clint said worriedly.
"Why should I? I am helping people out there, you should try that as well."
"Because you're gonna break down at some point if you won't stop. What if we'd need you and we wouldn't have one of our best Avengers on the field?"
"I won't. It happened just one time in my whole life that I got useless and the reason for that is gone, so no need to worry about me."
Clint sighed.
"Any missions for later, Cap?", Natasha asked when Steve had entered the room.
"Yeah, we have to be ready as soon as possible, so hurry up", Stee informed them.
"Where and what happened?", Clint asked.
"Hydra is trying to take down the S.H.I.E.L.D Academy, we have to stop them, so come on guys! Hurry up already!"

"Tony, try to get an overview of the situation. Natasha, get in on the west entrance. Bucky, follow Natasha, and Clint, be ready to take down whoever works for Hydra! I'm gonna go through the main entrance!", Steve ordered.
"Alright, Cap!", the team said. 

"Hey, Cap! The top floor seems to be interesting, there is a lot of trouble going on!", Tony informed.
"Alright, Natasha and Bucky get upstairs! Tony, you follow me", Steve ordered.
"On my way, Cap!"
Tony and Steve checked every floor, killing soldiers and helping some captured students until they got to the top.
Natasha and Bucky were already fighting yet it seemed like they were a bit overwhelmed.
"What's going on?", Steve asked when Bucky fell back and hid.
"There are too many of them! We even witnessed a few experiments of Hydra, you have to keep an eye on them, they are strong as fuck! Some even have some weird powers!", Bucky exclaimed.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Just look at him right there!", Bucky said pointing to a soldier a bit further away. His hands were on fire and he was shooting with them at S.H.I.E.L.D students and agents, surrounding and letting them burn to death.
"Whoa, that's...", Steve said a bit speechless.
"I know. But the worst..." Bucky stopped.
"What is it?  Where is Nat? I can't seem to find her", Steve noticed, looking around.
"That's the problem... She tries to get y/n."
"I don't know if Hydra copied her to trick us or if it's a hallucination or whatever else but we saw Y/n fighting for Hydra."
"There is no way she would ever fight for Hydra. That has to be some bad magic trick!", Steve exclaimed.
"But what if they got her?" Bucky's voice was full of worry.
"She said she would call when she's in need and she is damn good at hiding, I can't make out how they would get her. I mean, not even we could find her this time."
"I don't want to disturb your moment but we should start fighting, girls", Tony reminded them, when he walked up to them.
"Clint, Natasha is looking for someone who looks like y/n. So don't be surprised if you see her anywhere", Steve said into his comm.
"Is it her though?", Clint asked hesitantly.
"We don't know yet."
"So should I avoid killing her?"
Steve thought about it for a few seconds. "Take her down but don't kill her."
"Alright, Cap!"
Steve gestured that Bucky and Tony should follow him, so they did. Fighting against some soldiers they got closer to the man with the fire.
"Okay, let's cool down Mister Fire a little", Tony said, got the extinguisher, and put out the fire. "Come on guys, it's your turn!", he called. Bucky and Steve put him down easily now.
"Y/n!", you heard Natasha calling, "Y/n!" 

"Oh, Natasha!", you said smiling, "I'm happy you came."
"Y/n, what's going on here?"
"Oh, nothing, actually. Just taking what is ours. S.H.I.E.L.D. should have been down already, I don't know why so many soldiers can't do it in time. There is a show I don't wanna miss. Tell your guys they should leave immediately, they won't win either way. No need to waste so much potential we could have in our rows", you said arrogantly.
"What do you mean?"
"Oh, right, I'm sorry", you said, got closer to her, and held her hands. "Did you know I loved you?", you asked and her face looked a little sad yet confused.
"Yeah, you know... before all this shit happened, but..."
"But what?"
"We could... you know. Start over if you want", you offered and saw a little smile that she was unable to hide.
"Natasha, be careful!", Steve called yet stayed back. The rest of the team was trying to get Natasha some time to talk to you so they focused on all the soldiers around you.
"Tell the team to stop, would you do that for me?", you asked nicely, a bit pouting.
"What's next?"
"Depends on what you want. You can stay with me or leave with them."
"What...? Why won't you come with us?"
"You know why", you said and watched a tear roll down her face. "It's okay, just come with me."
"I'm sorry", she said and tried to stab you, but you grabbed her arm, turned it around, and almost stabbed her now.
"Alright", you said and got into a fight with Natasha. She was good, yet you were better, so eventually she lay on the floor and groaned in pain. Her lip and forehead were bleeding and a pole protruded out from her abdomen.
"I could... need some... help", Natasha groaned. The team except for Clint tried to get you yet you were too good for them, especially with your ability. It was an easy shot to get them to fall back and leave. 

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