B.M ~ 2

509 13 28

Heyyyy guys, long time no see :)

I thought I would try get back into writing here, with a little piece I've had in my head for literally forever. I always wanted to turn it into a full length fic, but I'm not capable of writing those haha, so you get the sad ending instead. I made myself cry a bit ngl, so hope you like it!

p.s I slag Anita off a bit in here. That is not a reflection of my real view on her, I think she's lovely and everything Brian needed. For the purpose of this, we don't like her, but trust me, I do. Sorry if I offend anyone!

It's a perfectly ordinary Sunday night. I'm sat, as per usual, by the fireplace at home, half listening to the TV background while watching my playing with my 5 year old daughter, Melody. She's giggling to herself, blissfully happy and oblivious in her own little fantasy world of barbie dolls. Her smile warms my heart, but then there's a clench, as her little chocolate eyes meet mine and I see him looking straight at me.

That's when I remember that this is far from an ordinary Sunday night. Perhaps, no Sunday night will ever be the same again. Melody has no idea. Even if I tell her, I doubt she'd understand. She's 5 for christ sake, these things shouldn't be on her mind. All she should be thinking about is her toys and her new friends at school. Yet, in a few hours, her life will change completely, forever.

Brian was cheating on me, and had been for 2 years. It was painfully obvious when I thought back over that time. All the times he'd told me the boys were working late in the studio when in fact none of them had seen him at all. Or all the nights he wouldn't return until midnight, and would creep through the door and then sidle next to me in bed like I hadn't noticed. Or the countless phone calls, the ones he answered and spoke on for hours but especially the ones when he wasn't in the house to pick up and I got the message on the receiver. It was always the same woman. Anita Dobson. Some actress from EastEnders that Brian had written a song for.

I was there the day they met. She climbed over us at some event and had fallen into my husbands lap like some hysterical whore. She was nice enough, but I always suspected something a little off about her behaviour towards him. Then the late nights and the promiscuous phone calls and the lies began, and there was only one valid explanation.

Of course I didn't want to believe it. I have spent the last 2 years in complete and utter denial. Why? Because I love him of course. I love him so much, more than anyone and anything, and always will. Deep down, he loves me too, I know he does. You don't marry someone and have a child with them if you don't harbour some kind of feeling towards them. He just doesn't love me enough anymore, not after meeting Anita. She was his missing puzzle piece, and that killed me so deeply inside sometimes I can barely breathe.

Today, though, I had reached my limit. There's only so much I could take. When Brian came home from the studio or wherever he was, I was going to confront him and inevitably we were going to break up. Fearful tears well in my eyes as I think about it, but I blink them away with a sniff, trying to remain unconvincingly normal in front of Melody.

What could have been hours or minutes later, I hear the familiar click of the front door closing, and the shuffling of bags and feet. Melody hears this too, dropping her dolls and running into the hallway excitedly.

"Daddy, daddy!" I hear her shout gleefully, something that sends a dreading shudder through my spine. Tonight was going to break more than just Brian's heart, and for that I felt like the worlds worst mother.

"Hello darling girl, have you had a nice day?" Brian then asks, their voices muffling slightly as they both walk to the kitchen.

"Yes, mummy took me to the park with Auntie Dom and Felix and then we got to have ice cream!" I can't help but chuckle fondly.

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