B.M ~ 1

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Hey lovely people of the internet. It's been a while since I've been in this book, hasn't it? I'm very sorry about that, and I'm also sorry for the fact that this is the cheesiest, fluffiest and most cliche thing ever. Its a little short but also sweet! Lots of love xxx

Another night tossing and turning in bed. More nightmares haunting my pleasant thoughts. I woke with a start, clenching my linen white bedsheets forcefully.

Involuntarily, I reached out to the space in bed beside me, fumbling for a pair of comforting and familiar hands. Instead I was met with emptiness. Of course, he wasn't here. He, as in my boyfriend, Brian May. He usually knew how to calm me down after a nightmare, a frequent event these days.

Tonight I imagined, like every night recently, he'd be outside in the garden. Since Queen had become so successful, Brian didn't tend to sleep much, and spent a lot of time stargazing at the midnight sky.

With this in mind, I pulled on a dressing gown and crept outside. The night air was brisk but actually rather refreshing, cooling my sweat stained skin. I spotted Brian a little further down the garden, fiddling with something on his telescope. He looked enthralled and I didn't want to interrupt him, so I sat next to him contently, burying my head into his shoulder for comfort. He pulled back from the telescope instantly, his face a picture of concern.

"Love, what are you doing out here?" He asked, pulling me onto his lap.

"I had a nightmare, and just wanted to be near you. Sorry for interrupting." I whispered back, picking at a piece of grass guiltily. Brian scoffed into my hair, pressing a chaste kiss into it.

"Don't be silly, you know I'm always here for you. Might be nice to have some company anyway." I nodded, snuggling into his chest happily. It vibrated with a deep chuckle.

"I thought stars were your preferred company?"

"I do love the stars, and they're beautiful, but their beauty and my love for them has nothing on you my darling." My cheeks flushed a viscous shade of red, masked by the darkness of the night. Brian always knew exactly what to say, even after all the time we'd been together. College sweethearts. I'd been there since the very beginning of Queen, before anyone even knew who they were, when there was just Smile, and no Freddie Mercury or John Deacon. I never abandoned him and he never abandoned me, despite the fame, the money, the groupies. We were inseparable, and our love was forever.

"You bloody sweet talker, c'mere." I pressed our lips together in a short but passionate kiss, running my hands through his soft mop of curls. When he pulled away, his expression had turned more serious.

"Y/N, you know I love you more than anything, right?" I nodded profusely, kissing the tip of his nose.

"Of course I do Brimi, why?"

"Well, I figured, that there isn't gonna be another woman in my life, and that's a promise to you. You're the only person I ever want to be with, and I wanna grow old with you, have loads of kids and grandkids, y'know, a happy life..." Brian trailed off, the grass suddenly becoming a fixation for him too. My heart swelled at his words.

"...and so I thought maybe, I should, you know, make that promise more official." I raised an eyebrow confusedly, watching as he fumbled nervously in the back pocket of his sweat pants.

"Y/N Y/L/N, you're the love of my life, and have been since we met in class that day 7 years ago. I don't wanna spend my life with anyone else, so, will you marry me?" My jaw dropped to the floor, tears pricking at my eyelids.

"Yes, yes, a million times yes!" I squealed, engulfing him in a hug and letting the tears fall. Brian visibly relaxed in my embrace, burying his face in the crook of my neck.

"I'm sorry this was the world's shittiest and most underwhelming proposal, but I haven't slept for weeks plucking up the courage to do this, and you just looked so gorgeous under the starlight, I couldn't help it!"

"No Brimi, it was the perfect moment, and please don't tell me that's why you're never in bed when I wake up anymore?"

"Maybe?" I rolled my eyes playfully, letting him the slide the ring onto my finger.

"You're such a idiot!" He chuckled fondly, running the pad of his thumb over the sapphire blue ring.

"I might be, but at least I'm your idiot."

"Oh absolutely. My idiot, always and forever!" I sealed my statement with a long kiss, which was tender and sweet.

We fell into a comfortable silence after that, both content with gazing up at the stars wrapped in each other's embrace. The blinding light of my new engagement ring glistened under the moonlight. It was a stunning ring, costing a small fortune I imagined. The fact Brian had gone out of his way to buy me such an expensive ring made my heart flutter.

After a few minutes of silence and stillness, a sudden white flash shot rapidly across the sky. I barely had time to clock it, but Brian gasped and jumped up immediately, peering into his telescope with a childlike glint in his eye.

"Gosh, Y/N, did you see that?" I shook my head, bemused at his excitement.

"C'mere, let me show you." He demanded, pulling me up to the telescope hurriedly. I looked down the single lens, shrugging in confusion at the blank night sky.

"I don't see anything." He tutted, wrapping his arms around me from behind and pointing upwards.

"Keep the lens pointed there, and wait for a few minutes. You'll see it." Though I had been an astrophysics student myself once, my interest in the subject, despite my fiancé's fascination, had waned over the years, and I struggled not get impatient waiting for this flash again. God. Fiancé. That was gonna take some getting used to.

After what could have been hours, and just as I was probably going to give up, the night sky became aglow with bright light, and I squealed, the inner astrophysicist in me leaping out at the sight.

"Oh my god, is that a shooting star?" Brian nodded, squeezing my hips happily.

"I don't think I've ever seen one of those before!"

"I've only ever seen one before tonight, it was about 7 years ago now." I turned my attention from the lens back to Brian.

"7 years? Funny, that's how long we've known each other!" He raised an incredulous eyebrow.

"Why d'you think I showed you my darling? It's a sign, that the universe is aligning for us to be together. We were meant to be." I waited for the smile to return, but his expression remained wistful. I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Sheesh Brimi, that's got to be the cheesiest thing I've ever heard!" I exclaimed, after calming myself down. Brian just shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, before pulling me back into his lap.

"Probably, but I do believe its true. I'll love you forever, Y/N, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life showing that to you."

"I'll love you too Brian May, forever."

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