F.M ~ 3

633 16 28

This oneshot is for my beautiful friend @MsMercury005 , who encouraged me to write! I love you so much angel, I hope I did this justice .

Two red lines.


I stared at the little white stick in my hand, mind stilled to a halt by the lines that seemed to stare right back at me. Their gaze was piercing, and I could feel them drilling into my head.

Before now, I truly did believe I had my life on track again. I had a full time job, an apartment owned by the nicest tenant I'd ever known, and finally gotten over my ex. Or so I thought, because the stick pressed between the pads of my thumbs was telling me I really, really hadn't gotten over him. How could you say you didn't love the father of the baby inside you?

The cool ceramic of my toilet bowl dug uncomfortably into my back, and I shifted side wards to relieve the pain, my eyes not leaving the test. I immediately regretted that, the remnants of lunch that my best friend Brian had cooked for me churning in defiance. Or was that the baby?

Outside the bathroom door, a timid knock. I peeled my Y/E/C orbs upwards, subconsciously emitting a groan.

"Y/N sweetheart, are you alright? You've been in here for a while now." The right words fumbled on my tongue, the want to lurch forwards and spill the contents of my stomach becoming unbearably prevalent.

"F-fine Brimi. J-just feeling  s-sick." My best friend cursed, albeit under his breath. Brian was never one for showing his anger.

"Shit, I knew those falafels would disagree with you, mind you, not that quickly. Are you sure you're ok?" At this point, my throat was burning to swallow, falafel tainted bile threatening to spew. 

"I-I swear, I-" The retaliation died on my tongue as I spun briskly around, throwing my head into the bowl. Brian seemed to catch on and came bursting in, settling himself behind me and lifting the hair from my face. With one hand he continued to hold the Y/H/C locks out the way, while the other rubbed soothing circles on my lower back. His touch was warm and gentle, familiar and comforting. Oh so very Brian. 

When the heaving dried up, I lifted my head upwards, and fell exhaustedly into the awaiting arms of my best friend. He pulled me into his lap, pressing a chaste kiss to the top of my head. For some our position might look compromising, awkward for a pair of friends, but Brian was basically part of me, my dearest friend from the very day we were born. We were used to giving each other copious amounts of affection. 

I know Brian would want to know the truth behind my sickness, but in that moment we were both content, allowing me to get my breath back and pluck up some half hearted courage. It wasn't until minutes later I felt him stiffen under my trembling figure, and my heart sunk. He'd seen the test. 

"You're pregnant." Of all the things I imagined him saying, this one had never crossed my mind. Such a blunt statement was so very unlike the Brian I was used too. He liked to question things, challenge the opinions and views of others. I was briefly startled, a foreign fear of the man I'd known my entire life flickering within me. 

"Yeah, I a-am." I was relieved when he didn't remove me from his lap, or stop the circles on my back. Granted there was no reason he should be mad; it's not like he's the father. But, Brian wasn't stupid, in fact far from it. He knew I didn't have a boyfriend. 

"Whose is it?" I struggled to find the words, barely having come to terms with it myself. I hadn't had sex since I broke up with my last boyfriend, Freddie, and the timing was just too coincidental. My babies father didn't like speaking to its mother. What a life that'll be, I thought angrily. 

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