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SS = Side Story

This is going to be a side story, well it's more of an alternate side story, to what happens in Mercury.

Once you see the date it's set, you'll understand what this is. I am already crying.

24th November 1991

"Mia, what did I do with my coat yesterday after swimming?" I called out to my best friend who was coming down the stairs slowly.

"You put it on the back of the kitchen chair I think." I nodded and went to grab it, when our little cat Farrokh brushed past my leg. I knelt down and rubbed his back gently. Still, after 15 years, the comfort of his name coming from my tongue made me shudder.

I was still in the past. As far as I was aware, there was no one trying to get me back anymore. But I didn't mind. I had a place to stay, someone who loved me and took care of me, and I was happy.

When I say happy, I don't generally mean it. 15 years ago Freddie Mercury told me he was gay. 15 years ago, I walked out on him and I haven't seen him since. I haven't seen Brian or Deacy either. The only member I'd seen was Roger. He and Mia were the only people keeping me sane because even after 15 years, it still hurt. Not because he was gay, but because I fell hard for Freddie Mercury, and I now even doubted he actually ever loved me back. God knows how many affairs he had.

I knew I shouldn't have fallen for him, I knew I should have just stayed hating the guts out the man. But, he was just wonderful, and I couldn't help it. He was my little dove just as I was his. He was the love of my life, and I have never been able to move on.

After I walked out on him, I tried to talk to Mary, but she got mad at me for leaving him, and kicked me out. I hadn't spoken to her since then either. It wasn't that Brian or Deacy were mad, they just genuinely didn't have the time for me. That was ok, Queen were getting more popular every year, I understood their busy schedules. Roger was the only one who tried to make time for me, and the days I saw him were some of my best. I think part of me still has a little crush on him, but he grew up, had kids got married. He truly was just my best friend.

Mia was someone I met about a year after leaving. I had got straight on a train and got as far away from London as possible. I even thought of trying to find where my younger parents lived, but I didn't want to make a mess of the timeline anymore. I ended up in Manchester and met Mia getting a job at some pub. We instantly became best friends and she invited me to live with her when she realised I had nowhere to go. I had been here ever since.

I came back out the kitchen with my coat on to see Mia staring at the radio, frowning. Her demeanour cracked me up and I ran to her, jumping on her back. She screamed and hit my arm playfully.

"Don't scare me like that Nicky!"

"Sorry gorgeous! You just looked so serious, what's wrong?" Her smile faltered and she held my hand supportively.

"H-have you had any contact with Freddie recently?" I felt my body go rigid at his name and shook my head slowly.

"Did Roger ever tell you anything was wrong with him?" I could feel anxious nausea churning in my stomach.

"N-no, Mia whats going on, what did you hear on the radio?" She looked as if she was about to cry, and I was pulled into a tight hug. I hugged back, clueless and scared. There was something wrong with Freddie. In my heart, I knew exactly what it was. Doomsday had finally arrived. 

Letting me go, she headed for the tv and switched it on. My heart was hammering out my chest.

On the news at 10 this morning, Queen frontman and gay pop star Freddie Mercury has died in his home in Kensington, 24 hours since releasing a statement confirming he did indeed have AIDS. Freddie was 45 years old. More on this story in 15 minutes time. 

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