B.H ~ 1

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It's been a while since I updated this book but my gorgeous sister XxQueencolourXx requested a Ben Hardy imagine a while back and I'm finally getting round to it haha!

Y/N Hardy. No, not anymore. She was once. A long time ago. Well, probably about 3 years but still. Y/N and Ben met on the set of Eastenders. Their characters weren't love interests, but those two were like magnets, pulled to each other, and fell fiercely in love. So in love, Ben proposed to Y/N after only 6 months. That was their first mistake. They were married 2 months later, to a few of their closest relatives and friends. One of those was Y/N's childhood best friend Gwilym Lee. He could see their marriage was doomed, the very moment he watched them argue over when they should have their first dance.

Gwilym tried to warn Y/N, saying they were moving too fast. But they didn't care, they had each other and that's all that mattered. However, the cracks soon started to appear, and 4 months later, Y/N was at Gwilym's doorstep, on her knees, telling him Ben had ended their relationship. It was sad really, because neither Ben or Y/N lost their love for each other, they just couldn't make their feelings work.

It had been 3 years since that day. Y/N hadn't seen Ben once. Of course she missed him, but she'd never let that on. She was currently at Gwilym's house, both of them waiting for a call, from the casting director of a new film called 'Bohemian Rhapsody'. Gwilym had auditioned for Brian May and Y/N for Dominique, Rogers first wife.

"They said they'd call at 10, it's 10:05 Gwil!" He chuckled, wrapping his arm loosely round her shoulders.

"Breathe Y/N, they have a lot of people to call today remember."

"Well then they should have got their asses out of bed quicker!" Gwilym shook his head, leaning his head on the brunettes arm.

"They'll call any minute now sweetheart I prom-" Headlong blasting out cut him off and Y/N grabbed her phone off the table. At the same time, Gwilyms phone rang. They intertwined their fingers together for comfort and answered the call.

"Hello Miss Y/N L/N, I'm Susie Figgis, casting director of Bohemian Rhapsody. I'm calling on behalf of your audition for the role of Dominique Beyrand, which I'm pleased to say you've got. Congratulations Y/N!" She bit her lip to hold back a scream.

"Thank you so much Susie, I can't believe it!"

"We'll contact you again with more information regarding filming etc, for now, well done and speak soon." With that, Susie cut off, leaving Y/N stunned. Gwilym also finished his call. The two best friends turned to each other, unreadable expressions. Y/N couldn't hold it much longer, and broke out in a large grin, Gwilym following suit.

"I got it!" They screamed simultaneously, jumping up and hugging like they were kids again.

Could this be anymore perfect?


It was a month later, and the two best friends had just arrived for their first day of filming for Bohemian Rhapsody. Gwilym knew who the rest of the cast were, but Y/N wanted to leave it as a surprise for the first day. She had accidentally found out who was playing Freddie as it was all over the news. Rami Malek. One of her favourite actors. Apart from that, she was clueless.

"Are you ready Mr Brian May? Astrophysicist, badger lover and all round legend?"

"Yes I am, and are you ready Mrs Dominique Beyrand, um baby having..Roger Taylor loving..legend?" Y/N snickered, knowing Dominique was one of Rogers many many lovers.

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