J.D ~ 1

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Hey everyone! Here is my lil one shot for Deaky's birthday! I originally wrote this as a little teaser for a Deaky story I have planned, and just incoporated his birthday into it. Yes, this is about old Deaky and involves an age gap, but I tend to imagine what he looked like in '97, (the picture above) because otherwise it feels like invading his privacy! If u wanna imagine young Deaky that's fine, I might be the only one here with a major old man fetish oops-
Well enjoy xxx

P.S MsMercury005 look out for some Mamma Mia 2 references!

Y/F/N was going on a date. After 5 long years of moping and crying over her ex husband, it was time to move on. She stood expectantly at the bar, fingers drumming absentmindedly against the glass of Moët au Chandon she had ordered.

Her date was half an hour late. Of course, Y/N wasn't one to assume the worst of people, and tried to block out the incessant nagging at the back of her mind that he had bailed. He's a pilot, his flight probably got delayed.

Her optimism faded rapidly as the clock ticked to 10 pm. 4 glasses of champagne down, Y/N was beginning to feel tipsy, and stumbled out of her seat in one frustrated heave. This was the third date in the last month that had bailed, and her self esteem had really hit the dark depths of nothingness. It was becoming clear Luke had been a complete fluke: no one really wanted her, he had only been with her out of pity. She didn't bother to hold back the tears, sinking hack down into her seat as the sobs wracked her fragile body.

The noises of the pub were drowned out by the sound of her whimpers, so much so she almost didn't notice the hand that rested on her shoulder. Almost. A spark jolted up her spine at the contact. The hand shook her shoulder gently.

"Are you alright, dear?" Sucking in sharply, Y/N twisted in her seat to face the voice. For a spilt second, the world appeared to stop spinning on its axis, as her gaze met two shining, mousey orbs. They seemed to dance under the gleaming lights of the bar.

"U-um, y-yes I'm fine, t-thank you." What was Y/N took to be a worrisome expression , mouth pressed in a thin line, shifted into a shy smile. Her heart leapt out of its chest watching the tiny crinkles beside his eyes when he smiled. For all she knew, this man was probably, late 60's, but Y/N couldn't tear her eyes away.

"You don't look fine to me." She rolled her eyes, almost playfully, trying to cover the effect that the authenticity of the strangers concern was having on her.

"Very deceptive of you." He chuckled lowly, the sound stirring something at the pit of her stomach.

"Let me buy you a drink, and we can talk, if you'd like." The offer was tempting, but the reminder that this man, this very attractive man, was only doing this because he felt sorry for her, forced her to hesitate. The stranger noticed, and the ghost of a smirk played on his lips.

"And I won't take no for an answer." For the first time all night, Y/N cracked the beginnings of a smile, and nodded towards him. After ordering her a vodka and himself a lager, the man pulled up a stool and faced her expectantly.

"So tell me, what is a beautiful young woman such as yourself doing at a pub on her own crying on a Friday night hm?" Her cheeks blushed viscously at his words. Beautiful. He called her beautiful. It was a terribly cliche line, but the simplicity of it had Y/N's heart almost singing.

"Believe it or not, I'm actually supposed to be on a date." Disappointment flashed briefly across his face, but quickly recovered it before she could notice.

"I don't see you having a drink with anyone else." Y/N shook her head bitterly.

"Exactly, he bailed, again."

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