R.T ~ 1

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Another request from Mialailani hope I do this justice!

"You know what, I'm done with this, all you ever do is make me feel like shit! We're over James!"

"But Y/N wait, I can change, I can change for you."

"It's too late to change, you should have tried that years ago." Looking back at the man I once loved more than anything, I slammed the door.

I hated breaking people's hearts, but James stopped treating me right a long time ago and I couldn't have that in my life. It was frustrating, I thought he was the one, but clearly that was all a disguise.

I'd never had much luck in the love department. All my relationships ended like this. Sometimes I brought it on myself, getting with someone I'd known barely a week just to convince myself I wasn't lonely.

They say that there is someone out there for everyone, but so far in all my 29 years, I'd only be met with heartbreak. So much for love.

Wiping away some stray tears, I headed into a little coffee shop. Drowning away my loneliness in hot chocolate sounded like the therapy I needed right now.

As I was ordering, I heard some excited screaming from behind me. I looked round at a table of teenagers swooning and flirting with a man I didn't recognise from behind. He had a mop of gorgeous blonde hair, and an impeccable sense of style. I mentally scolded myself. No Y/N, you can't go falling in love with everyone anymore, it's time to grow up!

Thanking the cashier, I headed for a little table in the corner of the shop, where I could be left to wallow in my own self pity alone. I got my wish for about 5 minutes, until I felt a tap to my shoulder. I looked round and was met with the piercing blue eyes of the man from earlier.

"Can I help you?" I was aware of my blunt tone but this didn't seem to faze him.

"Sorry love, but is it ok if I sit here?" I recognised his voice from somewhere, but the dark of the corner made it difficult to see who it was.

"Aren't there any free tables?"

"Yes, but you're the only person in here who hasn't tried to jump on me, and I just wanted a quiet drink." Jump on him? I mean I know he was attractive but surely not that much?

"Go ahead, just don't expect me to make any small talk." He smiled and sat down opposite me. I tried to go back to staring into the abyss of brown liquid, but his eyes on me made it very difficult.

"You know it's kind of rude to stare?"

"I know, but I couldn't help it, you're a beautiful lady." I let out a bitter laugh.

"Yeah, I've heard that one before!"

"What? It's true, I'm surprised you're not here with a guy to be honest!" Wow, what an assumption.

"What if I wasn't into guys?" This seemed to catch him off guard, as his eyes widened.

"Oh I-I'm sorry I kind of just assumed I-" I cut him off by placing my hand on his, surprising myself. What are you doing Y/N? Abort abort!

"Calm down, I'm just messing with you!" His eyes softened.

"Ok that's alright then. But, just saying, if you were gay, I wouldn't judge you. I have a best friend who is very very gay!"

"What's his name?"

"I'm surprised you don't know him actually. Or me!"

"No offence, but we're in the darkest corner of the shop and you're wearing sunglasses, I don't have X-Ray vision!"

"You're right, you're right. Well, his name is Freddie, and I'm Roger." My eyes widened as the penny dropped. This was Roger Taylor! The drummer from Queen, the band my aunt went to see at Live Aid.

"Roger Taylor?" He nodded excitedly.

"The biggest member of Queen." He dropped me a wink. I rolled my eyes and went back to my drink.

"What's your name?" After his previous questions, I was surprised at how polite this once was.

"Y/N." He nodded thoughtfully.

"Y/N, I have to say, not trying to be cocky, but people are usually a little more excited when they hear I'm Roger Taylor."

"Well I'm sorry that I don't want you in my pants Mr Taylor, but I don't really listen to much Queen!" He gasped in mock surprise.

"Well then we're going to have to change that! Come back to mine and I'll educate you on Queen!" I was flabbergasted. This man was so far up about his own attraction that he thinks every women wants to be in his bedroom. I wasn't going to deny the butterflies this thought gave me though.

"Listen Roger, no offence, but I think I'd rather stay here and drink my hot chocolate thanks. Those girls over there however I'm sure would love too!" He groaned.

"I don't want those girls though, I want you Y/N and I don't mean that sexually. You're a cool girl, you're different. You didn't jump on me or treat me differently for being famous. You were just your witty self. I just wanna get to know you!" The blush on my cheeks couldn't be helped. That was one of the nicest things anyone had ever said to me. I wasn't about to give him that satisfaction yet though.

"That's sweet of you but I'm really not that exciting."

"Oh come on love, please? I'll make you more hot chocolate! Or even better, I'll crack open the beer!" Oh damn. When alcohol was involved there was no way I could deny it. Clever boy.

"Well, if there's going to be alcohol, maybe I can be persuaded to agree to something." A smirk played on his lips, and I couldn't deny it, he did look hot.

"You won't regret that Y/N."

And I didn't. Especially not as I said I do 2 years later. It seems there truly is someone out there for everyone.

So this one wasn't supposed to be sad in anyway (for once) but I doing a double update on this book for Freddie's anniversary

I'm warning you now, that one is going to be sad. Very sad.

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