Route Series: Horikita's 1 (Rewritten)

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Skip all thing happend in bus cuz im Lazy af and who cares reading the same thing happend again right

Kiyo POV:

"Wait" Hmm did someone called me??

"You're looking at me in the bus,why?" I looked back at the person that called me and found a beautiful woman with long black hair with braide at the side with red ruby eyes

"Um im just looking in everyone reaction because of the commotion, your seems the most interesting among them. May I ask why?"

"Because I didnt consider it, is there something wrong with that?"

"Uh no not really your just considering the benefit of the situation after all"

"I see your different from other people" She muttered under her breath which I didnt hear because of the wind

"The name's Ayanokouji Kiyotaka Class D would you like to go to the ceremony together umm"

"Horikita Suzune Class D and yeah I can accompany you to the ceremony Ayanokouji-kun"

"Yeah lets go horikita"

During the ceremony I check out the other classes, in class C theres this tall dark guy maybe he's african and a skinny magenta hair dude with a wierd grin

Class B seem a go lucky shoes kind a Class the most interesting one I see among is the Strawberry haired girl with big Boo*cough cough* I mean big uh assets ok assets damn hornikouji

in Class A there's this baldy with a serioues expression and a loli wait what?

"Um Horikita"

She seem pretty tense up hmm she been looking at that guy with black hair with glasses,hmm with their eyes color and hair they seem pretty identical maybe related, sibling? cousin?

Making our way to Class D I ask her

"Umm horikita your pretty tense up during the ceremony are you alright?"

"Yes im alright Ayanokouji-kun thank for the concern, were already here"

looking at the my left I see my classroom for the year Class 1-D going in alot of them look at us for a moment then minded their own business

"Seems like their alot of very idiotic and noisy people in this class I dont want to be seated next to them"

Horikita said going to her seat,only I can hear what she said well looking at them specially those two over there chatting about how hot the girls in these school are seems pretty idiotic and how come their talking to each other like long lost bestfriend after just going to school?

Moving to my seat at the back row next to the window looking to my side seems horikita my seatmate for the year

"Atleast I got a decent seatmate let atleast get along Ayanokouji-kun"

"Yeah lets get along horikita"

uhh its kinda awkward now horikita notice it started reading a book called crime and punishment I know it so I try to make a conversation with her

"Crime and Punishment is it, its a good read"

"Yeah a story debated whether it was right to kill someone aslong it was done for the sake of justice I find it interesting"

we been talking for few minutes tiil the teacher arrive

"Ahem goodmorning class Im Chabashira Sae homeroom teacher of class D"

(Skip those things because I deem so)

"this month" horikita mutterd under her breath, she also seems quite sharp

Route Series, One Shots, Cote Ideas, Reactions, Uncliche Scenes: A CoTE FanficWhere stories live. Discover now