Route Series: Manabe Shiho 1

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A/N : Fuck It Happy New Year and,,Shit happend in my private freaking life, there even a chance last year well be our last christmas party as a whole family but Fuck It Live On thats How I play, No Regrets

"Humans are creatures that always get hurt,and feel regret whenever they make a choice on something. Its easy to say "choose so that you'll have no regrets",but that's impossible. No matter how hard you've agonized over your path you'll
always regret something about it later"

like what this quote say.

Soo Moving on stopping about my yapping nonsense in these book of mine which I FORGOT I had and gotta Thank the guy which comment "Update" in my last stupid Chapter, which made me remember about this and whole fucking plan of mine which I also planning to change *Breath In* *Breath out* *Calmed down* ok so regarding my plans, After Manabe is Himeno Yuki from Class B right Class B? *Clear throat* "UM DIRECTOR HIMENO IS FROM CLASS B RIGHT???"

*someone in the distance yelling* "YES SHE IS I DUNNO MAYBE ASK THE READERS DAMN IT"

ahem so its I dunno fuck it

Timeline LN 4.5 Probably

Kiyo POV

Its seems my Plans for Karuizawa to be my pawn to control the girls of Class D work flawlessly back at the cruise ship exam, but regarding of it my situation right now is kinda amusing

Im here at the mall standing in line to go for the fortune teller to try it for once, but with a very surprising partner

"Uh this is soo tiring just standing here if only there's a chair also Ayanokoji-kun how come your not tired yet?? Uh my make-up!!!"

Yes the Gyaru of Class C Manabe Shiho, well lets take a look at my memories for a bit to know how I got here in the first place


*Sigh* "So Sudo really tried to set me up"

(A/N: Since we already know how Kiyo got into these mess with Sudo there's No need for explanation right)

Then there's someone that caught my attention

A green haired gyaru that I get to know during the cruise ship exam Manabe Shiho
Were lets just say acquintance at the least, oh she saw me, she's walking to me

"Oh your approaching me Instead of running away your coming right at me"

"I cant talk to you without getting closer"

"Oh ho Then come as close as you like"

Wait wait wait Cut this isnt Jojo for god sake

[TAKE 2]

"Uh Ayanokoji-kun its been awhile isnt"

"Yeah it been awhile how you been Manabe?"

"Ive been good nothing bad happend so far You said you Hate Karuizawa right"

"Good and about the latter If I remember correctly yes"

(A/N: Ok I dunno if this happen in canon where Ayanokoji and Manabe Had A talk lets just say in this one they have a few talk and Ayanokoji said he hate Karuizawa when their chatting)

"So are you the one that send it, that message"

Wow she sharp I give her that but that just gut feeling you have there Manabe, We got acquinted during the ship exam just because she said we got the same interest which is "Hating Karuizawa" I dont particularly Hate her tho, more likely I only said it to have more information from there Class, she's surprising careless

Route Series, One Shots, Cote Ideas, Reactions, Uncliche Scenes: A CoTE FanficWhere stories live. Discover now