What's this? A Chapter?

618 13 1

Kiyotaka moved swiftly and silently through the shadows, his keen eyes scanning the dimly lit alleyway. The sound of his own measured breathing was the only thing that broke the eerie silence.

He had been tracking his target for hours, patiently waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Kiyotaka knew this was a dangerous game, but the stakes were high, and failure was not an option.

Up ahead, a lone figure emerged from a doorway, oblivious to Kiyotaka's presence. This was his chance. Kiyotaka tensed, every muscle poised to spring into action.

In one fluid motion, he surged forward, closing the distance between them in the blink of an eye. His target whirled around, eyes wide with shock and fear, but Kiyotaka was faster.

A glint of steel flashed as Kiyotaka drew his weapon, the blade slicing through the air. His target tried to dodge, but Kiyotaka anticipated the move, redirecting the strike to land a devastating blow.

The target let out a guttural cry, stumbling backwards. Kiyotaka pressed his advantage, raining down a flurry of precise strikes. But in his single-minded focus, he failed to notice the movement in the shadows behind him.

Suddenly, searing pain erupted in his side, and Kiyotaka staggered, his attack faltering. He glanced down to see the hilt of a knife protruding from his flesh, blood already soaking through his clothes.

Kiyotaka's mind raced, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he realized his mistake. Gritting his teeth against the agony, he turned to face his new attacker, determined to finish the job.

But as he moved, the world began to spin, and Kiyotaka knew he was in trouble. Summoning the last of his strength, he stumbled towards the nearest doorway, desperate to find safety before he lost consciousness.

Kiyotaka gritted his teeth, his hand pressed firmly against the gaping wound in his side. Blood seeped through his fingers, warm and sticky, as he staggered down the dimly lit alleyway.

His vision blurred, the edges of his sight growing dark. Each step sent a searing pain radiating through his body, but he forced himself to keep moving, to find safety.

"Damn it," he cursed under his breath, his usually calm demeanor cracking under the strain. Kiyotaka could feel his strength rapidly fading, his legs growing heavy and unsteady.

Up ahead, he spotted a doorway, a glimmer of hope. With a final burst of determination, Kiyotaka lurched forward, his vision tunneling. Just as he reached the threshold, his knees buckled, and he collapsed to the ground.

The impact jarred his injury, eliciting a strangled cry of pain. Kiyotaka's heart pounded in his ears, the sound nearly drowning out the panicked voices that suddenly surrounded him.

Hands grasped at his shoulders, but Kiyotaka could no longer focus. The world spun and tilted, colors bleeding together as the darkness closed in. He tried to speak, to call for help, but the words died on his lips.

Kiyotaka's eyelids grew heavy, his grip on consciousness slipping away. In his final moments of lucidity, a single thought flashed through his mind:

_This can't be how it ends..._

Then, everything went black.

Kiyotaka's world went dark as he succumbed to the blackness, his body collapsing to the cold, hard ground. But the void did not last long.

Slowly, his senses began to return, though everything felt muted and disoriented. Kiyotaka's eyes fluttered open, but the familiar alleyway had been replaced by an unfamiliar ceiling.

He blinked, confusion clouding his sharp mind as he took in his new surroundings. This was not where he had been moments ago, bleeding out in the shadows. How had he ended up here?

Kiyotaka tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness washed over him, and he fell back against the soft surface beneath him. It was then that he noticed his body felt...different. Lighter, somehow, and lacking the searing pain from his injury.

Furrowing his brow, Kiyotaka lifted his hands, examining them closely. They were smaller, the fingers thinner and less calloused than he remembered.

"What is the meaning of this?" he muttered, his voice higher and more youthful than he expected.

Panic began to set in as Kiyotaka realized the impossible - somehow, he had been reborn into a new body. But not just any body...this was the form of a scrawny, unkempt young man, the very antithesis of Kiyotaka's former self.

The brilliant strategist, deadly operative, the White Room Masterpiece was now trapped in the vessel of a NEET - a "Not in Education, Employment, or Training" individual. His razor-sharp mind, honed through years of intense study and training, was now housed in this pathetic, useless shell.

Kiyotaka let out a frustrated growl, his mind racing to comprehend the gravity of this situation. How had this happened? And more importantly, how was he going to escape this new reality and reclaim his former life?

With a renewed sense of determination, Kiyotaka set his jaw, his eyes narrowing as he began to formulate a plan. He may be trapped in this NEET's body for now, but his genius intellect remained intact.

This was merely a new challenge to overcome, and Kiyotaka Ayanokoji was never one to back down from a fight.

Kiyotaka's brilliant mind whirred as he assessed his new circumstances. Trapped in the feeble body of a NEET, his once-formidable physical prowess had been reduced to that of a weak, sedentary individual.

But Kiyotaka was not one to be deterred by such a drastic change in his circumstances. If anything, it only served to sharpen his focus and determination.

Slowly, he sat up on the bed, his movements cautious and deliberate. He needed to understand the full extent of this transformation - the capabilities and limitations of his new form.

Kiyotaka's keen eyes scanned the room, taking in every detail. It was a modest, sparsely furnished space, clearly belonging to the NEET whose body he now inhabited. A sense of distaste crept into his expression as he observed the general disarray and lack of cleanliness.

"This will not do," he muttered, his brow furrowing in disapproval. Kiyotaka had always prided himself on his meticulous attention to detail and organization. The slovenly state of this room was an affront to his sensibilities.

With a deep breath, he swung his legs over the side of the bed, testing the strength of his new limbs. They felt foreign, lacking the toned musculature he was accustomed to. But Kiyotaka refused to be deterred.

Slowly, he stood, wobbling slightly as he adjusted to the unfamiliar weight distribution. A faint grimace crossed his features as he realized just how out of shape this body was. It would take time and effort to whip it into the peak physical condition he demanded.

Yet, even as he acknowledged this challenge, Kiyotaka's mind was already racing with possibilities. This new form, while limiting in some ways, also presented unique opportunities.

His genius-level intellect remained intact, and with the right application, he could leverage it to overcome any obstacle. All he needed was a plan - a strategy to reclaim the power and influence he once wielded.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Kiyotaka squared his shoulders and began to explore his new domain, already formulating the first steps of his grand scheme.

you guys thought I'm dead right? well I'm soon to be

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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