Different Worlds CoTE: People From other Worlds

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Timeline Probably the end of Y2V2

3rd Person POV

2 guys are seen in the school gates of ANHS, one with black messy hair with greyish white eye's and another boy with H/c color haired with E/c eyes

2 guys are seen in the school gates of ANHS, one with black messy hair with greyish white eye's and another boy with H/c color haired with E/c eyes

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This two are known as Shirou Sankai and Y/N L/N the transfer student

But are they really just normal transfer student?!

Shirou: "How shall we make our Entrance Y/N?"

Y/N : "I dunno suddenly slamming there door open while their still having lessons?"

Shirou: "Shall we try it?? And also we still need to expose Ayanokoji right"

Y/N: "Why are asking me? Your the one who planned this"

Shirou: "Fair point"

Shirou: "Sae-chan sensei will probably Be angry at us but I have the perfect excuse"

The two conversed while walking through their respective Classrooms

Kiyo POV

The partner exam ended yesterday and seems none of my classmates have been expelled, fortunately.

Right now im seating in class while Chabashira sensei teaching this second year problem that I already knew since 8, but there something bothering me

Like something will happen today that will changed my life forever, that get me thinking what will it be

Chabashira: "Ayanokoji are you listening!!"

Ayano: "Yes sensei"

Chabs: "Then can you answer this plss"

Ayano: "Yes the area of square is A=5²"

Chabs: "Correct, pay attention next time Ok"

Ayano: "Yes sensei"

But still this feeling of mine, even if it gut feeling I still need to be on guard and all


Someone slam the door open, when I moved my head at the door to see who the one who did it, it was two guys one with black hair and greyish eye the other with H/c hair and E/c color eye, there not from here are they transfer student? Do this school even accept that

Chabs: " You two"

Chabashira sensei send a very menacing aura to the two transfer student that scared my classmate shirtless

Chabs: "Didnt I tell you two to knock when you get here, then why Slam the damn door open"

Shirou: "I forget the part where thats my problem"

Reply the black hair guy which send some of my classmate laugh a little

Chabs: "YOU you're lucky I got soft spot for you"

Route Series, One Shots, Cote Ideas, Reactions, Uncliche Scenes: A CoTE FanficWhere stories live. Discover now