Stupid Shorts 1

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Kiyo: Last night I saw an angel in my dream

Kei: Really??

Kiyo: Yeah, and the angel ask me "What do you want"

Kei: Then?

Kiyo: I told the angel to take care of you but she said "No"

Kei: But Why??

Kiyo: Because she said "Angels dont take care of other Angels"

Kei: Aww your soo sweet Kiyotaka, and what happend??

Kiyo: I ask the angel freedom

Kei: Then??

Kiyo: ..... "Cocks Gun out of nowhere"

Kei: Whats that Kiyotaka

Kiyo: For Freedom

*Booom Headshot*


Ryueen: What did ocean say to other ocean?

Kiyo: What?

Ryueen: Nothing they just waved

Kiyo: Oh

Ryueen: Do you sea what I did there?

Kiyo: No

Ryueen: Im shore you did...

Kiyo: Bring back the Ryueen Kakeru that I beat the hell up Right Now!!

Kiyo Phone *Ringing*

Kiyo: Who this you know its 3AM in the morning right now

On phone Ryueen: Kukuku come on monster im just messing with you

Kiyo: *Ended call*

Ryueen: *Called Again*

Kiyo: *Picked up* Now what Ryueen

Ryueen: I have Ice-Cream want some

Kiyo: Im coming over right now


*Kiyo on stage while all the students are watching him*

Kiyo: Can you cry under water?


R: Never thought about that

Kiyo: Do fish ever get thirsty?

R: Ofcourese they dont there already hydrated

R2: Idiot

Kiyo: Why is it called building when its already built?

Ryueen: Can anyone take that Motherfucker out the stage pls

Ichinose: Ryueen-kun its bad to swear

Kiyo: When they say "dog food is new and improved" who taste it?

Ryueen: Aw fu- wait that a very good one, Izhiaki come over right now and taste this dog food

Iszhiaki Right Ryueen-san

Horikita: Just what are the things going in inside you head Ayanokoji-kun

Sakayanagi: Fufufu

Kiyo: Why are deliveries on a ship called 'Cargo' but in a car its called 'Shipment'

Mashima: Ok thats enough Ayanokoji even my head will start over-heating


*Kiyo eating Chocolates over and over again*

Horikita: Do you know that too much of it will damage your teeth

Kiyo: I knew someone who lived over 132 years

Horikita: Was it because of eating Chocolate?

Kiyo: No, he was always minding his own Business


*Kiyo can be seen sitting in a cafe talking to the waiter*

Kiyo: Can I have sugar with my coffee

Waiter: Sure here you go

Kiyo: Thanks can I have some more

Waiter: Okay here

Kiyo: Again, please

Waiter: Again? but I just gave you one

Kiyo: I know but everytime I put sugar in my coffee, its dissapears


Start of school

*Yamauchi is seated next to Horikita surprisingly*

Yamadead: You should talk to the great Yamauchi seatmate-chan

Horikita: What would you like to talk about

Yamauchi: Hehe my first girlfriend, Lets see how about nuclear power, I bet you dont know it

Horikita: Ok, that could been an interesting topic. But let me ask you a question first. A Horse, A cow and A deer all eat grass, the same stuff. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse produces clump of dried grass. Why do you suppose that is?

Yamauchi: Uh uh I I don't know

Horikita: Do you really feel qualified to discuss nuclear power when you don't know shit, your all talk. Dont ever again talk to me

*At that very moment Yamauchi Died or more precisely evolved to Yamadead*

Kiyo muttering: Good thing im not seated next to her

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