Route Series: Kamuro Masumi 1

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And yeah just yeah bruh

Im also changing my writing style and yeah

Kiyo POV

I Lost against Sakayanagi of Class A in chess in the last special exam, no more likely the school made me lose against Class A Sakayanagi.That man is starting to make his moves sending a pawn to this school, the Acting Director Tsukishiro. Now my classmate are blaming me for being a useless commander *sigh* I really need a break in all things they been doing. Im silently walking down the Hallway of the school, it was 4PM and other students are going back to their dorms, I was invited by Haruka and the group but I declined reasoning im too tired that ill go home first but no not really, im just here walking alone in the empty, quiet, peaceful, hallway

Passing in a open door of the Art Club I see someone im acquinted with, Kamuro Masumi Class A Sakayanagi Right Hand Woman/Man, for the first time I see Kamuro with a relaxed,peaceful, expression she really is beautiful compare to her daily life basis disgust face, she really at peace doing painting huh

Even though im the masterpiece of that place I dont even know how to paint that man never ever considered painting as something useful all he says are "Painting is a beautiful thing thats a fact, but it will never make you succed in life" or something but still, I really want to learn maybe its just my curiosity that making me wanting to learn it or to learn something that place havent teach me yet

Kamuro suddenly look at the door and spotted me, in an instant her relaxed face turned to disgust silently muttering something

"Yo Kamuro"

"What do you want pervert"

Ouch Im just walking past by and you just suddenly saw me, and call me a pervert, well she view all men are pervert, welp that mentally of hers woudnt even give her a boyfriend in the future, she be like Chabashira-sensei single in her 30s

"Ouch that hurts, im just passing by and you suddenly call me a pervert"

"Why are you not a pervert if not then stop looking at me like that"

What looking?? I know my eyes are like just 2 golden ball thay doesnt even have a hint of emotion but

"what do you mean looking at you like that"

"You're staring at me dead in the eye please just stop"

Oh that what she meant, I accidentally stare at her for a long time

"Oh sorry, is that your painting Kamuro its really good"

"Yes its mine and thankyou for the compliment of my work. Now what do you want"

"Uh Im just wondering if you can teach me how to paint"

"Me teach you to paint?"

"Yes could you?"

"But you gotta pay me first ot something I need something in exchange"

"Uh I could teach you how to play piano is that alright?"

"Do you even know what a piano is??"

Is she doubting me really your evaluations of boys are really low you know Kamuro

"Well I win national music competition in elementary so yeah I know"

"Ok Ill teach you, you have to bought your own art things of course , im not payed enough for this afterall"

Great I guess well at the least she'll teach im just buying my own materials

"Um Ill buy my own material, soo where should we met up tommorow in the music club room there's a piano there"

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