Oneshot: Switch

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POV: Kei Karuizawa, or is it

*Yawn* that's was a good night's sleep, I open my eyes and saw an unfamiliar ceiling, this instantly put me in panic mode, I sat up from the bed and saw my room, which is NOT my room, I turn my head around looking everywhere, I stand from the bed and saw a balcony, I walk out of it and saw that I was in a big apartment but not as big as my apartment is

I walk around and get familiar with the place, I tried looking for my phone and then noticed, my breast was a lot smaller, it was at least D-cup, but why is mine-

With that thought, I rushed inside the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror

I saw myself and I look different, so so different, my hair is now color blonde and it reaches most of the back of my waist, my eyes are still blue but I look much slimmer

My mind was now heating, I can see a few steam go out of my head, my questions were,

1. How did this happen?
2. Who Am I?
3. Where am I?

I can't possibly know the answer to question 1 but in question 2, I also don't know, from question 3 tho, It seems like I was still in Japan, just in a different place

And my sisters, where are they? Are they safe? Please I hope they're not starving!? And God please fix this

With that I left the bathroom and made my way to the kitchen, I opened the fridge, and they're so few things in there but I can still cook things out

I used the last ingredient this person has and cook it into something delicious, during cooking tho, I found this person's phone, I opened it and saw the said person, who is me, smiling at the camera while doing a peace sign on her hands, beside her was a boy with Brown Hair, Styled into a curtain with Golden Mesmerizing eyes

But there was something off about him, his eyes were empty and his face was stoic and emotionless, I wonder what happened to him.

Putting that thought aside, I don't know how to handle this predacement, so instead of doing anything, I just stayed in this room.

It's now almost noon when this person phone ringed many times, I open it and saw some people texting this person.

(Kei-chan, you're absent, is everything alright? Are you sick? Is your period on?)

A text ended by someone named Maya-chan? Who is this person? Is this girl related to the person that I possessed right now? What should I respond?

There are also other text, named Chiaki-chan, Satsuki-san and Nene-chan, there's also one with a guy named Hirata-kun. But what that took my attention the most was this specific text.

My Cold, Sweet, Funny, Boyfriend Kiyotaka, is that the guy with brown hair?

(Kei, you're not in class today, is everything alright? I'm coming to your dorm right now)

Wait what... He's coming? B-But I'm no Kei? I don't know who's this woman was, I don't even know how I switched with her, wait, maybe, this Kei person was also in my body, what would my sisters do? What would Fuu-kun do?

Ah this is wrecking my brain!!

And then a doorbell ring.

Route Series, One Shots, Cote Ideas, Reactions, Uncliche Scenes: A CoTE FanficWhere stories live. Discover now