One Shot: My Girlfriend Kei

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Ayanokoji Kiyotaka POV

I was about to start my third year in ANHS, in this past two years here in my stay, I learnt alot of things that 'that place' can't provide or taken from me

Emotions, Friends, allies, enemies and more, but that one thing that stood out the most is my girlfriend Kei

We started dating a few months after being a second year and were still going strong till this day

No matter what challenges approach, we face it head-on, and with her help my Emotions even began to resurface

The feeling on protecting someone, the feeling of not losing someone you love, those feelings was brought back to me once again

My smile grow back again, and with the help of hers, I will became what one thing I wasn't, A human being

Time 7:56 A.M.

I woke up from my slumber and feel the cold breeze that was surronding my room touched my face, I roll to the side once and was trying to go back to sleep but my body doesnt want to

Reluctantly I brought my self up from that very comfortable bed that was tempting me to go back into it but school still awaits

I look at my clock and it was 7:58 in the morning and being 9:00 the start of the classes, I just took a bath and have a nice meal

When it was 8:46, I was already in my school outfit, my shoes tied, and I loosend my necktie a bit, thats when my phone pinged that reached my ear

I took it and saw a messaged from my girlfriend Kei

[ Kiyotaka Sorry, I can't go for our date tonight, student council work, how about tomorrow, I can make some reschedule in the restaurant we rented in Keyaki Mall]

I looked at it and analysed for a bit before sending a message back, agreeing with her and asking her to be careful because of Nagumo

And Yes my Girlfriend was a student council member, More accurately the treasurer of the student council

I then just made my way to the school and maybe meet-up with Kei on the way there


It was now the end of the classes and I was about to visit my girlfriend in the Student Council when my Group Friends called me over to them

"Kiyotaka, come here, come here for a moment" Akito, one of the male in our friend group with a very cool head, and chill personality called me over with his hand doing some gesture

"Oh yeah Kiyopon we have something to tell you, come come" Haruka, the mother of the group shouted with excitement, and jumping which make her assets bounce up and down a bit which make the perverts stare at her with a drool

And by Insticts I glare at them and showed a little bit of my darkness, which make them stoop low and slouch back in there sets

I then finally get over where they are but my moth- ahem uh Haruka scolded me in the instant I got there

"Kiyotaka, did I tell you not to get your darkness out, I don't want you to relieve those memories back then" Haruka, definitely angry at me because of her not using my nickname

"Haruka's is right Kiyotaka, when we found out what happened to you back then, we were very sorry about it" Akito apologized followed by Airi and Keisei

Yes they knew about 'that place' and no, I did not tell them, The government find out about the location of that place and brought it down for good but without them mentioning my name in the social media being one of the survivors in that hellish facility

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