Route Series: Kamuro Masumi 3

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Kiyo POV:

Im making my way to the school, the school informed me that the senpai has been succesfully expelled and had a chance to be imprisoned with all the evidence the that I given against him, with files of Attempted Assault and Attempted Murder that senpai life is already destroyed the moment I sense his ulterior motive. Well no use thinking over it, alot of girl seems glancing at my direction and boys sending death glares to me, why tho I didnt do anything to take attention, I told the police to hide everything happend regarding me and Masumi and that senpai, so what now??

Im in the entrance of my classroom im having a really bad feeling about this, Upon entering, alot of glares from the boys and curiuos gazes from the girls I receive, Akito and Kei giving me a Thumbs up (A/N: Kiyo and Kei are best of friends so no Heartbreak for Keishippers) , Airi crying with Haruka comforting her, while looking at me with tears muttering 'my son grow up' repeatingly, Sudog having the brightest smile, Horikita already sharpening her compass, and Ike already about to blow up, *sigh* seems like going to school today seems like a mistake

Kiyo: "What you guys looking at??"

Tilting my head to the side wondering whats happening and why are they looking at me like that

Ike: "Ayanokoji you bastard you never tell us you had a girlfriend a beautiful one at that and from class A are you betraying us ha"

What are these Idiot talking about??, First thing first Im not betraying the class and, second I dont have a girlfriend

Kiyo: "What are you talking about??"

Miyamoto: "Dont plah dumb gloomy guy why would a girl like Kamuro-chan will date a guy like you ha"

Kiyo: "Im asking again what are you guys talking about??"

Okitani: "Were talking about that thing in the School Feeds why were you walking with Kamuro-chan and soo close at that huh"

Someone caught a picture of us Masumi going home from yesterday, during our walk from yesterday were very close that our shoulders our almost touching, that well lead at alot of misunderstanding

Shinohara: "Maybe that Glommy guy betraying us No way a girl as beautiful as Kamuro-san will date him anyways"

Ike: "Are you betraying the class Ayanokoji are you the reason Haruki got expelled huh"

Matsushita: 'Is my classmates really this dumb im pretty sure Ayanokoji-kun did most of the work when chess happend in the comander exam and his answer at the math arithemic maybe he's holding back since then'

Kei: 'Kiyotaka got a girlfriend huh and Kamuro-san I've seen him and Kamuro-san taking tutorial lesson with eachother in the past month in the music room when I passed there hehe I got another teasing weapon against you Kiyotaka I'll make sure you lose this time'

This is troublesome really troublesome now what will I do, I peek a glance at Youseke but he's just there smiling at me, please help me out here is this how you treat your bestfriend Yuoseke?? Youseke sensing my cry for help tried to make the class calm 'keyword tried'

Hirata: "Everyone lets make Kiyotaka-kun explain himself alright we can't know what the truth if you guys keep pestering him"

Ike: "Shup up Hirata this gloomy guy here suddenly have a girlfriend faster than me and Kamuro-chan of all girls"

Shinohara: "Maybe he lets us lose at the commander exam becuase this gloomy guy here are hanging out with Class A student

Words of me 'betraying the class' and 'having a beautiful girlfriend' were flying around the room, if I get full of this defective's I'm really going to betray this class like how Kushida betray this class more than once, Horikita made her move

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