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So, I made a community post thing saying I wanted to try something different. I meant this in multiple ways

One Piece, as opposed to MHA, my bread and butter

I tried to make every Chapter similar to how a chapter of One Piece would feel, but of course some are gonna feel off, I ain't Oda-sensei

I want to TRY to draw some scenes out as manga-like pages, just to help with immersion, as well as training my art skills. IDK if itd be full chapters at a time, one scene from each chapter, or if itd be random scenes from the whole story.
This will start later (Date: Inconclusive), but I'll probably post the pages on Twitter (@Weeaboo_Gamer) as I finish them, and may update the story parts the pages go into. Make sure to check both once pages come out.
Art will use anime, manga, and fanart as reference, but art will be done by me, unless i can get some people to help :))

I have ALOT OF IDEAS for this story and how i want it to go. Similarly to my Villain Bakugou Story, I have the story in a Google Doc, so it'll be Copy, Paste, and formating text, then parts will come out.

(also, yes. i have a large love for "What If" stories)

So, buckle up, make sure you have enough food for Luffy to be happy, enough drink that Zoro is content, and maybe even a few tissues, and enjoy the ride!!

Undying Flame: A One Piece What If StoryWhere stories live. Discover now