Chapter 2: The Twilight Service

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Ash woke to the sound of the airplane meeting the runway and was now in the Kalos region once more. He looked out the window and stared at nature before him. It was dark out, but could still see the lights of Lumiose city throughout the snow covered landscape.

"Wow, it's still an amazing sight to see, right Pikachu?" Ash spoke to his partner as he stood up from his seat and walked toward the exit.

"Pikachu!" Agreed the electrifying mouse.

Once he made it out, he felt at peace for a moment. He saw snowflakes with beautiful patterns falling gently down to the ground as he walked down the plane's staircase. The wind whistled as it blew around him. It made him shiver but he shook it off as he headed inside to call a taxi.


"Greetings Monarch!" Smirked the Corviknight taxi man. He was one of the few taxi men to travel to open Corviknight taxi services in Kalos that were originally from Galar.

"Hello sir, one way travel to the city of Lumiose please." Ash smiled as he went for his wallet in his dark blue long coat.

"Hey now, it'll be an honor to fly the world Monarch in my taxi" the taxi man laughed as he opened the door for Ash and Pikachu.

"Oh no I couldn-" Ash couldn't finish his sentence.

"I insist" the taxi man interrupted as his giant Corviknight looked at Ash with curiosity. Ash stared at the Corviknight thoughtfully until it bent down to his height letting him touch the steel tempered feathers. He couldn't feel the feathers directly as he was wearing his signature gloves with one of them having the keystone.

The taxi driver looked at the scenario with amusement. Seeing his Corviknight letting a stranger pet him was a rare sight to see as it didn't like strangers.

"Looks like my Corviknight likes ya." He chuckled. Ash kept on petting the steel armored bird and it started to coo with content.

"It seems so." Ash responded, he felt a gust of wind hit him causing him to shiver up more. The raven pokemon sensed him and flew up swiftly to grab the taxi cab.

"Well I say it's better to go into the cab instead of freezing out here?" The taxi man questioned as he got on Corviknight and looked at Ash. He smiled "There is no need to be humble, just hop in lad."

"If you insist" Ash gave in as he and Pikachu were freezing. The feeling inside was like a warm cabin room and Ash relaxed as he sat down in the cab.

"Alright Monarch, ready to fly?"

"Yes sir." Ash responded as he felt the cabin being lifted up in the air. He heard the flapping of twilight wings and looked out the window to see ground getting smaller every passing second.

"Next stop, Lumiose City!" Shouted the taxi driver.


It took about half an hour to finally see the snow covered buildings of Lumiose city and in Ash's eyes, it was a stunning sight to take in. He can see all the bright lights on every building and could also find decorations on many as well.

"Is there some kind of festival?" Ash questions the taxi man.

"Huh, oh yes there is one, I believe it's called the Lumiose Snow Festival" he paused. "It's about giving and spending time with your loved ones." He finished while fixing his goggles.

'Loved ones huh,' Ash suddenly remembered he won't see his mother for about a month. The thought brought his mood down a little but snapped out of it when Pikachu jumped on the head. He realized he wasn't alone at all as he had his best friend with him.

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