Chapter 12: Ash vs. Serena

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Serena's eyes furrowed as Ash's Pokémon were getting closer to obtaining the ribbon on Absol. Hawlucha was weakened due to the recoil of its high jump kick attack earlier so Serena had that going for her but Melmetal was still tanking on.

Delphox was reaching her limit as her fur was all roughed up and dirty while Pangoro was still strong enough to go on the offensive as he tried to keep Melmetal at bay.

Ash smiled as he crossed his arms.

"You've gotten way stronger than the last time we battled."

Serena glanced at him and smiled with pride. "I have to give some thanks to my mentor."

"Who mentored you?" Ash asked curiously.

"She would be the champion of Kalos herself," Serena answered bluntly.


Ash's grinned in excitement as now he knew Serena was more of a formidable battler. He knew that Kalos trainers had a speciality of using strategy when it comes to their battles. Trainers of Kanto were mostly about overpowering and overwhelming their opponent with brute strength. This was going to be an interesting battle to see the least.

"Melmetal!" Ash yelled out. "Use Double Iron Bash on Delphox!"

Melmetal acknowledged its trainer as it punched its iron fists together before accelerating to tornado-like spin toward Serena's Pokémon.

Serena sweat-dropped as she had to think of a way to stop the upcoming attack but then she remembered that Melmetal is weak against fire. If she could somehow stop Melmetal's movement, she can have Delphox to release a fire-based attack.

She suddenly had an idea.

"Pangoro! Halt Melmetal's movement in any way you can!" She called out in slight desperation.

Pangoro gritted its teeth as it looked like it was preparing to stop Melmetal's spin. He raised his arms out as he ran toward Melmetal but the moment Pangoro came into contact with the mythical Pokémon, he was struck with a hammer fist of steel to the face. The dark-type Pokémon was launched slightly in the air giving Melmetal's Double Iron Bash an opening to hit Pangoro's stomach area causing him to fall on his back. Pangoro however, hunched back up to the fighting stance.

Melmetal was still on the offensive with its attack and went toward Pangoro. This time however Pangoro was more cautious and able to halt Melmetal for a moment. Two strongly built Pokémon in an equal stance as they held their fists in a stalemate with them trying to push each other to no avail.

Serena took advantage of the time she had and told Delphox to use Fire Blast. This took Melmetal by surprise as a wave of fire was hurtling toward it. Pangoro got away in a split of a second to avoid the attack with Melmetal taking all of it. Once the flames cleared, Melmetal was badly burned but was still standing. Delphox and Pangoro tiredly regrouped near Absol.

Ash was impressed. He suddenly took out Melmetal's Pokéball and recalled it, leaving Hawlucha on the battlefield.

"Hey, Serena?" The raven haired teenager spoke as he straightened out his hat.

"Hm?" Serena hummed in response.

"How about we do a one against one? I would like to have a traditional battle with you if that's ok." Ash proposed.

Serena thought about it, if it was gonna be a 1v1 she would probably send out her most unpredictable, maybe even her strongest Pokémon of her team. She would accept it.

Serena recalled Delphox and Pangoro before walking toward Absol. She carefully untied the ribbon from Absol and petted her before returning her to her Pokéball.

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