Chapter 9: The Twilight Date (Part 2)

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"Ash, where are we going?" Serena gasped out as she tried not to trip. The raven haired boy overlooked over his shoulder to give her a toothy grin. "It's a surprise!" Serena could only shake her head in amusement as she did enjoy surprises. They continued to speed walk on the pavement and the honey blonde glanced up at the clouds to reveal an ominous atmosphere.

'Looks like a snowstorm is coming...' she worriedly thought.

"You ok Serena?" He asked as he stopped to look at Serena's sudden expression.

"Huh...oh! Yes I'm fine, just a little worried about the weather is all." She waved her hand dismissively. Ash turned his head to the sky and nodded before gazing back at Serena. "Oh don't worry, we won't be flying anytime soon." He winked. Serena smiled as she did trust his judgment but couldn't help to think about that last part of his sentence. 'Flying?' She was confused at first but quickly gained a good idea on what it could be. She will just wait and see for the future evening.

The two lovebirds traveled throughout the bright luminous city to pass time. The sun began to set, thus creating the twilight sky. They stopped near a bench with a lamp post close by and were alone for the time being. They sat down to relax and look at the city. The cerulean blue eyed girl started to contemplate on what her feelings for him were truly. She knew she couldn't say the words to Ash just yet as they only just began dating and plus she didn't want to make him uncomfortable by saying it too soon. The words 'I love you' had such a strong meaning behind it and she wanted it to be special when the moment came. She knew it would probably take a decent amount of time before either of them were ready to say it but she doesn't mind at all. After all, she is going on a date with her childhood crush so she doesn't want to push her luck.

"Hey're kinda spacing out on me." The raven haired boy questioned with one of his eyebrows raised. Serena's eyes widened.

"Oh I'm sorry Ash...I-I was j-just thinking!" She yelped slightly as she rubbed the back of her hand. Ash frowned before getting closer to Serena's face and held both of their hands together. Ash took a deep breath before whispering to his date.

"Hey Serena, if you're not ready to go out tonight I completely understand, if you need a little more time to think over things then that's alright with me...I just don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything." He smiled reassuringly as he rubbed his thumb on her hands. "I'm saying this now because I noticed that you were spacing every now and I'm new to this whole dating thing, so I'm sorry if I do something wrong." He finished as he tilted his head.

Serena for a moment was lost at words, Ash was being so patient and understanding with her. How did she get this lucky to have him? Her eyes beamed and smiled before hastily speaking.

"N-No no no, I really want to go out on this date with you Ash, and nothing will change that, especially after waiting years for this night!" She answered truthfully, squeezing Ash's hand with both of her hands to further her truth as she bit her bottom lip nervously. The raven haired champion could only smile at her as they got up and continued on their way. A couple of minutes went by and Ash glanced at his Cubone theme watch.


Ash turned to his date and decided to tell Serena where they were going for tonight. Her reaction was something Ash wished he recorded on his Rotom phone for memories.

"Y-You got us reservations at the Grand Lumiose Restaurant!? She gaped, her ears not believing what he said.

"Yup! Plus since I'm the world monarch, we both will receive extra privileges and bonuses!" Ash winked. Serena could only stare at his auburn brown eyes before launching herself at him to give him a bone crushing hug. Luckily this time, Ash was prepared for it and returned the hug with much enthusiasm.

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