Chapter 13: A Champion's Kiss.

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In full moonlight, Corviknight flew through the snowy clouds as Ash struggled to fix a button on his collar.

Grumbling, he asked himself, "Why is this so hard to take off?"

"Having trouble?" Serena laughed, causing Ash to sigh.

"Here I'll help you." Serena said, as she brought her hands to unbutton the collar in one motion.

"That was annoying." Ash complained. "I'm the world's strongest trainer and can't even unbutton my collar." He laughed at himself with Serena joining him.

"I may have to make a few modifications to the cloak to suit you better." Serena suggested.

"That would be great." Ash agreed.

Minutes later he heard Serena yawn. She laid her head on Ash's shoulder. The Monarch looked down. "Feeling tired?" Ash asked in a gentle tone.

Serena didn't even say a word as she only nodded. They've been in the air for a good couple of hours so no wonder why Serena felt tired.

Moments later, Ash made a small gesture by taking off his cloak and putting it over Serena to keep her warm. Ash smiled adoringly when he heard a faint snore soon after. He spent a few minutes in quietness until he heard a faint yell coming from outside the taxi. Ash headed toward the door to put the window down to hear but he remembered it was snowing harshly with high winds. He looked back at Serena and saw his cloak over her.

'She should be fine.' The Monarch thought as pulled down the cold glass window.

"What was that!?" Ash yelled out with his hand hovering over his ear.

The taxi driver looked back at Ash before calling out to him.

"Hey kid, I think it's time to use it!" He started, "This weather is becoming too much to handle."

Ash looked ahead and saw an upcoming snow storm. He could see Corviknight having difficulty staying aloft.

That wasn't good.

Ash stared at the taxi driver and gave a sharp nod. The Corviknight trainer nodded back as he took something out of his flight jacket. He put some king of wrist gauntlet on his right wrist and then took a small capsule with a bright red glow from his other pocket and inserted it into the gauntlet

"Hope this works." The taxi driver whispered to himself, finally adjusting the gauntlet correctly.

It was Ash who was the one who gave him the gauntlet band before they took off.

It was a dynamax band with many modifications with the logo of a lightning bolt, a reference to Clemont.

The modified band was able to absorb any dynamax energy that was manually given to it which made it possible to either dynamax or Gigantamax anywhere for a one-time use. It was thanks to Ash and Leon's battle that Clemont was able to collect enough dynamax particles to put into a small container for use.

Hopefully the experimental technology won't explode.

Ash wanted to use it when they got closer to their destination but he was not going to risk any danger to Serena.

Suddenly a strong wind gust came by with Ash's hat almost flying right off but he was able to hold it on to his head. Ash quickly backed away into the window and closed it shut.

"Feels strange to Gigantatmax in the southern mountains of Kalos." The taxi driver stated as he clenched his fist as red energy emitted around Corviknight.

The raven Pokémon began to grow as its wingspan grew tenfold. The crimson eyes glowed brighter with its armor expanding. The red markings became known on the Pokémon as it roared across the sky. It successfully Gigantamaxed, hundreds of miles away from the region of Galar.

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