Chapter 6: Kalos Summit (Part 2)

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"Use G-MAX Terror!" Ash commanded his Gengar. The ghost Pokémon roared as it used its special attack against the burning furnace of a Pokémon.

"Charizard, use Max Rockfall!" Leon countered trying to stop Gengar's incoming attack only for it to collapse immediately. Gengar's attack managed to strike Charizard directly causing it to roar in pain.

"Charizard, use G-Max Wildfire!" Leon yelled out as his Charizard charged up to send the flames toward Gengar in a rushing manner.

It managed to hit and burn Gengar. The giant ghost Pokémon opened its mouth twice as much to let out a booming bawl with its tongue tensing up.

The match has been going on for at least 5 minutes and neither Leon nor Ash's Pokémon showed no sign of giving up. Many of the familiar spectators were still amazed on how the match was still going.

"I remember when I saw Ash's Gengar Gigantamax for the first time." Allister murmured behind his pale mask.

Serena looked down to the arena more closely and felt a chill run up her spine as she felt the vibrations of Gengar's roars. She cringed when she heard sounds like voices coming from Gengar's mouth. Before she could think any further, Allister went by Serena's side and pointed down to the battlefield.

"The voices you're hearing, could mean that your loved ones or spirits are calling out for you." The ghost gym leader stated as his eyes began to glow with the ominous purple that many challengers have seen before.

Serena was startled to see him from below as he was a bit shorter than her but she questioned him.


"Indeed, the darkness of Gengar's mouth could be the way to the afterlife." Allister calmly said to Serena, who in fact was getting creeped out by every passing second.

"That's awfully scary..." Serena whispered and then there was a sudden shake of the ground caused by the match.

The shake was strong enough to make Allister's mask fall right off his face. The moment it landed on the ground it made a loud clunk sound, which made a somewhat awkward and silent exchange in the room. Allister quickly got shy and desperately tried to grasp his mask until he saw another hand grab for it.

"U-uh, sorry, may I have it b-back p-please?" Allister timidly asked the fighting gym leader of Galar.

Bea looked at the mask and smiled before putting it on Allister's hair. Once Allister swiftly put his mask back on, Bea gently put her hand on his head and began to rough up his hair a bit.

"Don't start scaring off the Monarch's lady, Allister." Bea chuckled as she let go of the shy boy's hair.

"O-Oh s-sorry about that Serena." Allister bowed as he was now embarrassed.

Serena smiled and waved her hand assuredly.

"It's alright Allister."

Allister apologized once more and slumped toward his seat to watch the match without another word. Bea glanced at the ghost-seeing boy and looked back at Serena.

"So you're the holder of the Kalos Queen title?" Bea questioned Serena.

"I am." Serena answered, trying to not stutter her words as she was a little intimidated by Bea's presence. Serena heard stories of Galar's gym leader from Stow-on-Side taking a direct punch from a Machamp, which was extremely mind-boggling in her opinion.

Bea noticed this and quickly shook her head. "Hey don't worry, I am actually quite impressed with your performances."

"You are?"

"Yes, your agility and strength is most impressive and bond with your Pokemon is very good." Bea finished as she brushed some of hair off her own face.

"Oh thank you." Serena smiled and then the ground shook again causing her to lose her balance a bit but held firm. Bea looked down to Ash and Leon before leaning on the handrails to get a better look.

"Ash is a very strong trainer in his matches, seeing Leon having a good challenge is always an amusing sight to see." Bea remarked, continuing to watch with her eyes.

"Y-Yeah." Serena admired when she saw Ash's determined look. Her heart suddenly felt the need to see Ash up close to ask him something important but Serena put it off for now as it can wait.

As the battlefield raged on, both Pokémon were starting to get exhausted to the point they began shrinking to their original forms. Gigantamax Charizard was the first to go into its regular form followed by Gigantamax Gengar.

"How ya doin buddy?" Ash yelled out to his Gengar across the battlefield with a confident personality.

"Gengar..." the ghost type Pokemon exclaimed with tiredness.

"Can you hold on a bit more Gengar?" Ash questioned as he held out his gloved hand with the keystone for Gengar to look at it.


Ash looked at Gengar and decided not to exhaust him too much with him mega evolving. The Pokémon literally just used massive amounts of energy during his Gigantamax form which furthered Ash's thoughts on not evolving Gengar again until he had rest. Before he put his hand back down, Ash's Gengar zoomed so fast as if he was teleporting to him and grabbed his hand up high.

"Gengar!" Gengar said with much determination as he wanted Ash to win this match against Leon.

"Are you sure?" Ash whispered unsure if he should do it until he heard Leon speak out to him.

"Come on Ash, if your Gengar thinks he can handle it then so be it, give it all you got!" Leon yelled out in high morale.

Ash looked back at his Gengar and nodded. Gengar smiled greatly as he went back to his position on the battlefield. Ash grinned and held his hand out and touched his keystone.

"Let the bond between us...Mega Evolve!" The light from the keystone ignited with blinding light. Gengar grinned eagerly as the mega stone appeared before him similar to how Lucario mega evolved during Ash's battle with Bea. The light engulfed Gengar as it started to evolve into it's mega form.

"GENGAR!" The newly evolved ghost Pokémon is finally in its complete mega evolution form.

"There it is!" Leon exclaimed excitedly with his arms outstretched

"Charr!" Leon's Charizard roared with flames spewing out proudly.

"This match is exhilarating, and only you Ash can really push up the stakes!" The former Monarch finished as he got into his battle stance once more.

Ash stared at Leon and Charizard with much respect and Leon's mindset reminded him of professor Kukui during the exhibition match in Alola. Ash took a deep breath and smiled.

"Then let's get right to it!"

To be continued...


AN: This chapter is also like: let's apply anime logic, but for real I'm tired lol so if you see any Grammer mistakes please let me know but other than that, the Kalos Summit parts will finish the next chapter, and after that, it will all be about Ash and Serena's first date. They need to talk about things to make sure there are no miscommunication between the two partners, which is always important once you start dating btw. Well adios for now, the chapter after the next one (the first date chapter) will probably be my favorite one to write out.

P.S. I might make an author's note chapter to help explain any loop holes like Allister and Bea's gym location do to the fact they have the same place of Stow-on-Side stadium in the games Sword and Shield.

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