Chapter 7: Kalos Summit (Part 3)

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"That's right Ash, show me a champion time!" Leon called out while fixing his hat with a touch of eagerness.

"Count on it! Ready Gengar?" Ash glanced at his mega evolved Pokémon. The ghost type looked at Ash with all three of its eyes and grinned ear to ear.


"Awesome! Now use Shadow Ball!"

Mega Gengar rose up and initiated it's attack and threw the shadow ball across the battlefield.

"Dodge it!" Leon commanded, swiping his arm to the right. His Charizard flew right up, trying to escape mega Gengar's attack but the shadow ball was too quick as it landed on one of Charizard's wings. It exploded within a second, damaging Charizard greatly. Which caused him to fall down to the battlefield with a loud crash.

There was rubble and dust all over the arena, blinding the spectators. Once the dust cleared, Charizard was in a pit caused by the fall but did not faint. The fire type got up and looked at Leon then back at the Mega Gengar before shaking off pieces of rock.

"Can you keep going, Charizard?" Leon questioned his starter. His Charizard looked back at him and nodded as smoke puffed out of it's nostrils.

"Good, now use a flamethrower!"

Charizard breathed in heavily and let out a huge wave of fire hurtling toward the three-eyed Pokémon. The Mega evolved Pokémon stood firm when the fire reached him. Once the fire came into contact, Mega Gengar just phased through it. Leon's smirk fell a bit when he saw his attack not leave a single scratch on the ghost.

"Ah yes, ghost Pokémon and their special abilities." Leon laughed as he shook his head nonchalantly. Charizard on the other hand was slightly hunched over, showing he was running out of energy to continue.

"Looks like you two are getting tired." Ash grinned.

Ash's Mega Gengar chuckled as it waved it's tongue around boldly.

"I won't lie, you have really grown into a powerful trainer and yes, we are not getting any younger." Leon laughed as he put his hands on his hips before giving his partner a command.

"Charizard, use Dragon Claw!" The Charizard roared greatly as it used every bit of its energy to finally slash Gengar in physical contact.

"Gen- gar!" Mega Gengar winced but swiftly pushed Charizard away by headbudding him with much force. This caused Charizard to be thrown off balance and landed on its back.

"C-Char..." the fire lizard tried getting back up but to no avail as it was too weak to carry on.

"Thanks Leon, now....let's end this battle Gengar!" Ash announced as he raised his arm up with a close fist. Gengar, smiling victoriously, began to charge his last attack.

"Use Shadow Ball once more!"


Leon smiled as he was glad with the outcome of this battle. They have been battling for almost fifteen minutes, which is on the long side of pokemon matches. As the shadow ball was hastily making its way toward Charizard, he did nothing but watch. They were tired and felt satisfaction in the battle. The attack from Mega Gengar came into contact, finally taking Charizard out of the battle.

Clembot looked at the fainted lizard from the arena and put it's arm in the air. "Charizard is unable to battle, meaning Monarch Ash is the winner." The robot announced accordingly. The audience clapped and cheered for the two.


After the applause was finished, Mega Gengar devolved back to its original form and instantly laid back down feeling exhausted. Ash stared at his Gengar fondly and walked toward him.

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