Chapter 3: A Queen's Day.

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As the wind whistled through the window, a certain honey blonde was sitting near a fireplace within a hotel listening to the silver and gold bells ringing in a soft melody. She was in deep concentration on what she should do now knowing Ash was in the exact city she was in.

She took a sip of her hot chocolate and stared outside seeing the snowflakes pile on the roofs. Serena believed the winter season was always so beautiful. The atmosphere of it was divine and peaceful in her own eyes.

"I wonder how Ash would react if he saw me in person." She whispered to herself as the fire crackled. She could only imagine what kind of setting she would meet ash after so many years.

"Delphox!" Serena's fully evolved pokemon startled her to the point she spelled some of her hot drink on her new coat.

"Delphox, come on I just bought this!" Serena whined as she got up to clean herself. She looked at Delphox for a moment and frowned.

"Hey it's alright, it was an accident." Serena reassured as she brushed the pokemon's soft fur.

"Del.." Delphox began before her ears perked to the sound of a knocking door.

"Hey Serena, your taxi has arrived!" A young woman yelled behind the door. Serena looked at the time and sighed as it was time for rehearsal. Serena wanted to perform with a pair of top coordinators that she met during her travels in various regions like Hoenn and Sinnoh for the big Lumiose snow festival.

Their names were May, and Dawn. All around the same age as Serena and she considered them as good friends. They were respectful yet very intriguing to say the least.

"Coming!" Serena answered as she put on a dark blue scarf, grabbed her satchel and fixed her ribbon on her hair. She called Delphox back to her pokeball and opened the door to find them waiting for her.

"Serena, your taxi is waiting on the rooftop." Dawn reminded.

"Oh thank you" Serena replied as they went to the rooftop.


As she took the elevator up, the TV installed there began to play the recent news of the world Monarch visiting Lumiose City.

"Ash Ketchum, the successor of Leon as World Monarch, will be at the Lumiose summit today to discuss tournaments with other regional champions!" The news reporter announced.

'Oh so that's why he came.' Serena thought as she forgot about the summit of champions. May and Dawn looked at her suspiciously as Serena was adoring the picture of Ash on the TV while she was unknowingly holding her blue ribbon.

They both get an idea.

"Looks like her crush has returned." May teased.

"Oh you're right, our Kalos Queen will finally meet her prince at last!" Dawn added.

"But Dawn, Ash is the world Monarch, meaning he is a king I think, and they would be reunited as king and Queen!" May said with much amusement.

Serena on the other hand started to turn red from embarrassment and began to hide behind her scarf.

"W-what...I...d-don't know what you're talking about!" Serena defended but failed miserably as Dawn and May gave her a blank stare.

"Serena we already know." They both said in unison. They knew Serena traveled with Ash in the past and couldn't hide her crush on him to save her life.

"Please don't make fun of me please." Serena spoke annoyingly as the elevator stopped.

"Can't promise that." May smiled.

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