Chapter 10: The Twilight Date (Part 3)

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As the wind howled across the city with glistening lights shining down on the frozen pavements. Ash and Serena were hand in hand as each step brought them closer to their destination. The snowflakes began to flow harsher with each passing moment. There was a sudden chill that ran up Serena which caused her to shiver. Thankfully, Ash noticed this and swiftly took off his old cloak to put over Serena's shaking shoulders.

"Here Serena." The Alola champion spoke softly as he gently draped his ragged cloak around her.

Serena pulled the cloak closer to her body by tugging the edges with her gloved hands. She took a breath and exhaled, releasing a cold breath. She stared back at Ash and smiled.

"T-Thank you Ash." She shivered.

"No problem." He nodded.

They continued to walk along until Ash's Rotom phone started beeping. He searched for it in his pockets before answering.

"Hello?" Ash started.

It was Goh.

"Hey Ash, so me and Chloe might be a little late to dinner with you guys haha.." Goh nervously said from the phone.

Ash's expression turns into one of surprise.

"Huh why?" Ash curiously stated.

"Well about that um....we are- Hey! Chloe!" Goh was interrupted mid call.

Ash looked even more confused as he heard some struggle in the background. He glanced at Serena and gave a weak chuckle. Serena was just as confused or more about the whole situation.

"Um good? He asked until a new voice popped up on the phone.

"Hey Ash it's Chloe, we are going to be a bit late because of the upcoming storm." She said nonchalantly.

"O-Oh that's fine!" Ash quickly exclaimed.

"But don't worry, we'll still be coming on the double date." Chloe finished before handing back the phone to her boyfriend.

"You could've just asked for the phone." Goh grumbled on the phone.

"As I was saying, we will be a bit late but are still planning to see you guys." Goh finished.

"Oh ok, stay safe you two!" Ash chirped.

"We will! Have fun you two!"

"Alright bye." Ash smiled.

"Bye!" Goh and Chloe said in unison.

With that strange phone call done and over with, Ash put away his Rotom phone and held out his gloved hand.

"Let's keep going." He awkwardly said.

"Yeah let's go." Serena giggled as she grabbed his hand.


After a few minutes they reached their destination. They were surprised to see a large crowd at the main entrance. The crowd seemed to be made up of the media press, cameras and everything. When Serena and Ash came into full view, people started to run up to them pushing cameras and microphones up to their faces. They started asking a barrage of questions making the couple very uncomfortable to the point they started walking backwards.

"Ash Ketchum, in what way do you see Serena as?"

"Is it true that you, Ash Ketchum, are dating the Kalos Queen?" One reporter asked eagerly.

"Uh..." Ash looked at Serena as if he was seeking permission to say they are. Before she could say or do anything, a random reporter shoved her so they could speak with Ash up close.

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