Chapter 11: Why Him?

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Within the blink of an eye, the Serena and Ash jumped off the ground. Once standing upright, they dusted off their clothes before awkwardly looking at Goh and Chloe who were still bewildered. They noticed Goh and Chloe were dressed up nicely, nothing too fancy but something a little formal. One big notice is that Goh had a small ponytail, it seemed he grew his hair out.

Chloe was the first to speak as she cleared her throat. " are you guys?" The question seemed to lessen the strange situation.

"We're doing ok...sorry that you saw was an accident." Ash smiled before glancing at Serena. The honey blonde looked at Chloe "Yeah I tripped and I sorta just fell on him by accident." She awkwardly said as she pushed back a strand of hair behind her ear.

Chloe smiled, "It's alright." she said, but she had a small doubt about it being an accident. Goh on the other hand just waved his hand happily. "It's nice to see you, Ash!" He greeted Ash wholeheartedly before glancing at Serena. "So you must be Serena I presume?" Goh asked.

"Yes I'm Serena, and it's finally nice to meet you again...well officially at least" She smiled sweetly.

"Again?" Goh blinked as he was confused before it hit him. "Oh! That's right, we technically saw each other but the boat had other plans." He exclaimed as he snapped his fingers.

Serena nodded "Indeed." She said kindly.

"Well, it's finally nice to meet you officially!" Goh finished.

There was a comfortable silence before Chloe opened her mouth to speak. "So is it true that you're both dating each other?" She questioned with hope as her hands clasped together.

Ash sighed and he crossed his arms in amusement before nodding slightly. "Yes Chloe, I've already told you, haven't I?"

"I know but I just wanted to make sure of it by having Serena telling me herself." Chloe stated as she shifted her glance at Serena.

"I am." Serena confirmed as she grabbed Ash's hand.

Chloe's eyes went a bit wide in surprise as she never really thought Ash would go for anything romantic. She was even more surprised that the raven-haired boy she knew was with Serena, who in her eyes, was like a mentor and role model. An Idol of Hoenn and the Kalos Queen got together with the Alola Champion and World Monarch. Now that was something Chloe thought was an amazing feat, they were like a power couple even.

Either way, Chloe was happy for Ash but couldn't stop wondering how the honey blonde fell for him. She'll probably figure it out later, but right now it's a time to relax and have fun with her boyfriend as well as her friends.


As they all sat down on their red cushion seats waiting for the Clembot-like waiters to come to serve them, they decided to catch up. Goh and Chloe sat next to each other facing Ash and Serena on the opposite side of the table.

As they kept waiting, drinks and a bread basket were placed on the table. They all talked about the good memories and their own experiences for about half an hour so. There were some funny stories, and some not so much.

"Remember when you and Goh missed the contest live?" Chloe started, looking at Ash as she played with her fork.

"I know I'm sorry, but I already told you I was being held up by Lisa's uncle." Ash remembered and glanced at Goh.

"Mhm, Wallace wouldn't let us pass unless he battled Ash." Goh said as he began to take a sip of his drink. "Besides, I never thought you had the courage to perform in front of- ow!" Goh's sentence was halted when Chloe suddenly pinched his cheek. "Never underestimate me." Chloe spoke in an innocent voice.

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