music taste

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7:14 am

"kiyo, kiyo, KIYOKO." y/n yelled at the sleeping girl.

"y/n shut up." kiyo yelled back.

"no, no, get up, i am so hungry." y/n yelled yet again trying to wake up the girl who was currently drooling
on her daisy pillow cover.

"go make food yourself." kiyo replied back, while wiping drool of her face.

"you know i cant cook food, why are so mean to me." y/n faked cry while going to the bathroom.

"whatever you cry baby." kiyoko replied back while slowly getting up from the bed.

kiyoko went straight to the bathroom to see y/n washing her face.

"why is she so pretty." kiyoko whispered to herself.


"y/n l/n shut your ass up." kiyoko's mom yelled from her room.

"damn someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." y/n mumbled before getting her toothbrush.

"she always screams for no god damn reason." kiyoko mumbled back to y/n, while slightly pushing y/n, making
her spit out the toothpaste.

"that's nasty y/n." kiyoko yelled at y/n.

"you pushed me." y/n said while getting the toilet paper, and wiping the mirror.

"i pushed your waist, not your fucking mouth you idiot."
the manger replied back.

"whatever." y/n replied.

the two continued brushing their teeth, while y/n walked out of the bathroom with her toothbrush.

"y/n i swear to god if you get toothpaste on my carpet i am going to kil you." kiyoko said muffled, while going on her phone and connecting her phone to the speaker she has in
her bathroom.

"i am going to play music." kiyoko replied while washing her mouth.

"fuck no your music taste sucks." y/n replied while sprinting tot he hathroom while drops of toothpaste fall out.

"y/n l/n, ahhh you make me crazy." kiyoko screamed while "something about you." played by eyedress and dent may.

"good crazy or bad crazy." y/n asked while raising one of her eyebrows.

"bad crazy, and go wash your mouth." kiyoko replied back while tying her hair.

"hmp thought it would be a good crazy." y/n replied while pouting, while going to rinse her mouth off.

an hour later::

the two were now eating take out breakfast from some random place and watching life hack videos to make fun of their stupid big sometimes genius ideas.

"now why the fuck someone would but a condom on a water bottle." kiyoko asked while putting a slice of mango in her mouth.

"kiyo." y/n asked while looking at the girls eye.

"yes." kiyoko replied back.

"let's hear your playlist." y/n asked while stealing kiyoko's fruit bowl.

"y/n give that back." kiyoko yelled while trying to grab the bowl but instead making all the fruits fall on top of them.

"kiyo look what you did." y/n replied while taking a fruit from the furious girls face.

"what i did." kiyo said while getting kiwi off her

"yea." y/n responded with a disappointed face.

"what a messy girl you are." y/n added.

"shut up." kiyoko replied back while slightly slapping the girls shoulder.

"all this for not showing me your playlist, wow." y/n said while cleaning the lying down girls face.

"what me to show it you, here." kiyoko responded back while handing the e/c eyed girl phone.

"thank you." y/n replied while ruffling the girls hair.

all kiyoko did was roll her eyes and that smiling girl.

"wait i thought i was your number 1." y/n said while crossing her arms like a child.

"what." the sliver eyed girl responded back.

"how come your playlist says, kiyo's number 1." y/n said while looking the other way.

"stop being a childish, y/n it's a fucking playlist name." kiyo replied back while eating one of y/n's food.

"whatever, i am going to change it too kiyo's number 2" y/n replied while smiling like an idiot.

"now let's hear kiyoko shimizu's music taste everyone."
y/n said while speaking to the stuff animals that was on the shelf above them. all won by the amazing y/n l/n who is master- or stealer of arcade games.

y/n clicked the on the play button and the first song was, are we still friends? by tyler the creator.

"of course we are still friends, silly kiyo." y/n said while playing with the girls hair.

will we always be just friends?

"no way you still a swiftie."

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